openplans / WhoIsMyGov

Candidate / representative lookup service
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==================== About WhoIsMyGov

This is the software behind

It provides a web UI and a web service that can be used to look up federal, state, and (when we have the data) local elected officials and candidates.

Installation and Setup


You need PostGIS ( installed first.

We recommend installing Purplevoter in a virtualenv (

Get the Source

You can use Git to get the source code, like so::

$ git clone


Install the software; if using virtualenv, be sure to activate the virtualenv first. Then::

$ python develop

Then you are almost ready to go, except you need some data.

Database Bootstrapping

First tweak the development.ini config file as appropriate and then setup the application.

To set up the database:

First create a postgres user named whoismygov::

$ createuser -s whoismygov


$ createdb -T template_postgis -O whoismygov -E utf8 whoismygov

If that doesn't work, eg. on ubuntu systems you may have to first bootstrap the template_postgis database. See eg Step 4 of:

Then try the createdb command again.

Next, fix up some table ownership::

$ psql -c "alter table geometry_columns owner to whoismygov;" whoismygov $ psql -c "alter table spatial_ref_sys owner to whoismygov;" whoismygov

Then to populate the data, first be sure you have activated your virtualenv if using one, then::

$ paster setup-app --name=whoismygov development.ini $ python version_control $ python upgrade

Start the Dev Server

Start it like any other Pylons app::

$ paster serve development.ini

Development Notes


Deployment Notes

We might eventually use mod_wsgi. For now, we (OpenPlans) run Paste under the control of supervisord (, and assume you can set up Apache or another web server to reverse-proxy it.

The source includes a supervisord.conf suitable for running the paste server under the control of supervisord, which will restart it if it ever crashes. To use supervisord:

Then you can run $VIRTUALENV/bin/supervisord to start things up.

To shut down, run this::

$VIRTUALENV/bin/supervisorctl shutdown.

To restart the paste server, run::

$VIRTUALENV/bin/supervisorctl restart whoismygov


Originally created by Anil Makhijani under the name PurpleVoter, it is being developed currently by OpenPlans (

Code was initially hosted at and then forked to and then converted to Git and imported to

Much development work was done in partnership with Transportation Alternatives ( for their Candidate Survey site ( ).

For more info, contact Paul Winkler (pw @

How It Works

See DEVELOPMENT_NOTES.txt for more info.