openrewrite / rewrite-recipe-markdown-generator

Utility that generates OpenRewrite recipe documentation in markdown format for all recipes on the classpath.
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 7 forks source link


What is this?

This project implements a utility that generates OpenRewrite recipe documentation in markdown format for all recipes on the classpath.


This project also builds up a CHANGELOG to track what has changed over time. The way this works is that, every time this project is run, it looks in the /src/main/resources directory for either a recipeDescriptors.yml or a snapshotRecipeDescriptors.yml file (depending on whether this is being run for an OpenRewrite release or a weekly snapshot). It will then parse that file and compare it to the latest information obtained. If there are differences, they will be outlined in a CHANGELOG that will be created in the resources directory. After the CHANGELOG is built, the latest information will be stored in the descriptors file for future use.

By default, the assumption is that this is being run for an OpenRewrite release. If you'd like to run it for a snapshot release, you'll need to modify the build.gradle.kts file to change rewriteVersion to whatever version you want (such as latest.integration) and deployType to snapshot.

Once you have the CHANGELOG created, you can copy it over to the changelog section in the OpenRewrite docs. When doing a full release, make sure you remove the old snapshot releases.

A few important things to note:

Diff log

It's possible to configure the markdown generator to create a diff log that generates something like this. That doc shows all of the recipes created since a particular version of OpenRewrite. Companies may want to see the work we've done for them since they've signed on. In order to make this log, please follow these steps:

  1. Determine what version you want to start from. For instance, OpenRewrite version 7.24.0.
  2. Once you have that, find the version for all artifacts that correspond to that release. For example, if OpenRewrite is version 7.24.0, then rewrite-circleci would be 1.8.0 and rewrite-spring would be 4.22.1.
  3. Update the build.gradle.kts file to include all of those old versions. You can see an example of this and some key notes in the old-build.gradle-example.kts file provided in the src directory.
  4. Run the markdown generator with snapshot specified as the deploy type and all of the versions specified. This will update the snapshotRecipeDescriptors.yml file with all of the details from that version.
  5. Copy the snapshotRecipeDescriptors.yml file into a new file for safe keeping. This file will be used as a backup so you don't need to do the above steps every time you wish to regenerate the log.
  6. Revert all changes to the build.gradle.kts file you made above.
  7. Specify diff as the deploy type in the build.gradle.kts file, specify the diffFileName as the name of the company you're making this for, specify latest.integration for the rewriteVersion, and copy over the snapshot descriptors file you made earlier into the diffRecipeDescriptors.yml file.
  8. Run the markdown generator with the above configurations. You should now see a file called that shows all of the recipes created between the old version and the latest snapshot.
  9. If you need to re-run or change the diff file, copy over the snapshot descriptors file you saved into the diffRecipeDescriptors.yml file and re-run the generator.

Note: It's possible that with old versions of Rewrite that the markdown generator might not compile. I added a comment in the code that shows what one of the lines need to change to with some older versions.

Automated Recipe Docs

When you run this project for either a snapshot or a full release, all documentation will be updated in the build/docs directory. There are three key pieces to that: the reference folder and the and files.

If you wish to update the docs, you should replace this directory with the reference/recipe folder generated here. After that, you should update the with the snippet generated in the file. You can replace with the one in build/docs, but be sure to fill in the rewrite-recipe-bom version with the latest version of the BOM.

Please note that for snapshot releases, you should not copy over all the generated files. This is because we want the docs to generally only show full release information. Rather, you should copy over the specific new docs you want (as well as the updates to the

Also note that this does not cover all of the documentation that needs to be updated with a release. There are still others docs that needs to be updated manually, in particular around versions used in popular recipe guides.



Create Markdown files in build/docs

./gradlew run

Create Markdown files in a specific directory

./gradlew run --args="desired/output/path"

Print additional options

./gradlew run --args="--help"

Create HTML files from Markdown

./gradlew markdownToHtml

Replace rewrite-docs references

rm -rf ../../rewrite-docs/reference/recipes
cp -r build/docs/reference/recipes ../../rewrite-docs/reference/
cp -r build/docs/ ../../rewrite-docs/reference/

Known Issues

The file generated does not entirely match the one in the rewrite-docs repository. This is because GitBook makes some strange changes at time automatically. This hasn't been investigated, yet.