opensauceryafrica / horizon

a simple event-driven interface for managing goroutines
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Horizon creates a boundary beyond which events can no longer affect the observer, however, as it is with time, the order of events isn't always linear.

The idea is simple...let a future event signal a past function to cause an effect in the present.

Why Horizon?

Goroutines are arguably a transgenerational piece of programming art, but they can be quite difficult to manage. Of course, you have channels but it's impossible to deny that you haven't caused the runtime to block by reading from an unbuffered channel or even a situation that's worse, a deadlock.

Rather than having to deal with the complexity of channels, Horizon provides a simple interface to manage goroutines and their events in a way that makes it much flexible for the most common use cases. It's a simple implementation of the Future pattern.


go get


You can use horizon to manage goroutines and their events in a way that makes it much flexible for the most common use cases. Some possible use cases are:

Sending emails to users with retries and retry timeout

package main

import (


func main() {

    // here we are keeping a count of sent and failed mails
    var sent, failed int
    retrial := make(map[string]int) // this is used to keep track of the number of times a mail has been retried

    // create a new future and set it to Einstein mode to ensure that it doesn't panic
    future := horizon.NewFuture(horizon.Einstein)

    // register a future handler for when the future is signaled to as complete from any goroutine (timeline)
    future.RegisterComplete(func(data interface{}) {

        // assert the data to the type we expect it to be as signaled from the future (goroutine timeline)
        mail := data.(service.Email)

        log.Printf("EmailNotification: notification for %s successfully sent to %s", mail.MessageKey, mail.To)

        // increment the sent count

        // check if all mails have been sent
        if sent+failed == len(recipients) {
            log.Printf("EmailNotification: %d notifications sent, %d failed", sent, failed)

            // unblock the goroutine that called this function (when used in a server, you won't need this)

    // register a future handler for when the future is signaled to as error from any goroutine (timeline)
    future.RegisterError(func(data interface{}) {

        // assert the data to the type we expect it to be as signaled from the future (goroutine timeline)
        mail := data.(service.Email)

        log.Printf("EmailNotification: notification for %s failed to send to %s --- Retrying", mail.MessageKey, mail.To)

        // check if the mail has been retried more than twice
        if retrial[mail.To] > 2 {
            // increment the failed count
        } else {
            // if not, retry in another gorouting (timeline) after 5 seconds and increment the retry count
            go func(m service.Email) {
                time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
                err := service.SendEmailForNotification(m.To, m.MessageKey, m.Replacements)
                if err != nil {
                    // signal the future as error if the mail failed to send
                } else {
                    // signal the future as complete if the mail was sent successfully

        // check if all mails have been sent
        if sent+failed == len(recipients) {

            log.Printf("EmailNotification: %d notifications sent, %d failed", sent, failed)

            // unblock the main routine

    // for each recipient, wait 5 seconds and send an email in a goroutine (timeline)
    for _, mail := range recipients {
        go func(m service.Email) {
            time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
            err := service.SendEmailForNotification(m.To, m.MessageKey, m.Replacements)
            if err != nil {
                // signal the future as error if the mail failed to send
            } else {
                // signal the future as complete if the mail was sent successfully

    // block the main routine (when used in a server, you won't need this because a server is already a blocking routine)



Creates a new future along the horizon. It optionally takes a mode argument which can be one of the following:


Takes a function of the form func(interface{}){} as an argument and registers it as a callback for when the future is signaled to as complete.


Takes a function of the form func(interface{}){} as an argument and registers it as a callback for when the future is signaled to as an error.


Gets called when the future is signaled to as complete or error. It takes a function of the form func(){} as an argument. It's clear that no data is sent to the past via the horizon when this this is called.


Takes a single argument of type interface{} and signals the future as complete. The argument is sent to the past via the horizon.


Takes a single argument of type interface{} and signals the future as error. The argument is sent to the past via the horizon.


Schwarzschild creates a warps in the horizon such that the runtime blocks until signaled off. This signal off simply changes the coordinate away from the schwarzschild radius.


Openheimer shifts the horion radius away from the schwarzschild radius and towards the einstein radius. This allows the future's horizon to be unblocked and the runtime to continue.


Returns the number of signals sent to the future. This could be useful for debugging


Changes the future, branching off to a new timeline. All signals are still registered but event histories are lost


Closes the future. All signals are lost, all branched timelines are pruned and the future is no longer usable


Returns all the events returned from the future via the horizon