opensearch-project / documentation-website

The documentation for OpenSearch, OpenSearch Dashboards, and their associated plugins.
Apache License 2.0
62 stars 431 forks source link

About the OpenSearch documentation repo

The documentation-website repository contains the user documentation for OpenSearch. You can find the rendered documentation at


Community contributions remain essential to keeping the documentation comprehensive, useful, well organized, and up to date. If you are interested in submitting an issue or contributing content, see CONTRIBUTING.

The following resources provide important guidance regarding contributions to the documentation:

Points of contact

If you encounter problems or have questions when contributing to the documentation, these people can help:

Code of conduct

This project has adopted an Open Source Code of Conduct.


If you discover a potential security issue in this project, notify OpenSearch Security directly by emailing To prevent any additional risk caused by the potential issue, do not create a public GitHub issue.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.


Copyright OpenSearch contributors.