openshift / jenkins-sync-plugin

Synchronizes OpenShift BuildConfig objects using Jenkins as Jenkins jobs, then synchronizes build statuses into the OpenShift Build objects
Apache License 2.0
32 stars 41 forks source link


This Jenkins plug-in keeps OpenShift BuildConfig and Build objects in sync with Jenkins Jobs and Builds.

The synchronization works like this

# Create the secret
oc create secret generic mysecretfile --from-file=filename=mysecret.txt
# Add label to mark that it should be synced.
oc label secret mysecretfile
// the credential will be created by the plug-in with the name '<namespace>-<secretname>'
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'namespace-mysecretfile', variable: 'MYFILE')]) {
 sh '''
   cp ${MYFILE} newsecretfile.txt
# Create the secret
oc create secret generic mycert --from-file=certificate=mycert.p12 --from-literal=password=password
# Add label to mark that it should be synced.
oc label secret mysecretfile

Development Instructions

Synchronization Polling Frequencies

Other configuration


Build Config Environment Variable to Jenkins Job Parameter Mapping

See the OKD documentation for details.