opensource-nepal / django-nepali

A django package on top of 'nepali' python package which supports nepali date time, time conversion, etc on django projects.
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A django package on top of nepali python package which supports nepali date time, time conversion, etc on django projects.


nepali >= 1.0.0


pip install django-nepali

On, add 'django_nepali' to your INSTALLED_APPS.


Django Templates


In your Template

{% load nepalidatetime %}


nepalinow renders the current Nepali date and time in 'en-US' locale (English).

For default date format
{% nepalinow %}
For custom date format
{% nepalinow '%Y-%m-%d' %}


nepalinow_ne renders the current Nepali date and time in 'ne' locale (Nepali).

For default date format
{% nepalinow_ne %}
For custom date format
{% nepalinow_ne '%Y-%m-%d' %}


nepalidate renders the datetime object into nepali datetime format in 'en-US' locale (English).

For default date format
{{ datetime_obj|nepalidate }}
For custom date format
{{ datetime_obj|nepalidate:"%Y-%m-%d" }}


nepalidate_ne renders the datetime object into nepali datetime format in 'ne' locale (Nepali).

For default date format
{{ datetime_obj|nepalidate_ne }}
For custom date format
{{ datetime_obj|nepalidate_ne:"%Y-%m-%d" }}


nepalihumanize renders the datetime object to a human readable form for 'ne' locale (Nepali)

{{ datetime_obj|nepalihumanize }}
Humanize threshold

You can provide a threshold input, measured in seconds, to the nepalihumanize filter. If the time difference between the current time and the datetime_obj is greater than the specified threshold, then instead of relative time as provided by the humanize function, the datetime_obj will be displayed in the specified format (if provided), or else in the default format.

{{ datetime_obj|nepalihumanize:1000 }}


In your Template

{% load nepalinumber %}

nepalinumber renders the english number into nepali format (devanagari)

{{ forloop.counter|nepalinumber }}
{{ 150|nepalinumber }}

Renders the given value with commas added in Nepali style without converting the number.

{{ number|nepali_comma }}

This would convert a number such as 100000 into 1,00,000.


Renders the given value with commas added in English style without converting the number.

{{ number|english_comma }}

This would convert a number such as 100000 into 100,000.

nepalinumber with comma

Converts the number into nepali number and renders it. Basically same as {{ number|nepalinumber|nepali_comma }}

{{ number|nepalinumber_with_comma }}

This would convert a number such as 1000 into १,०००.


We appreciate feedback and contribution to this package. To get started please see our contribution guide