opensource-ny / OpenSource-NY

MIT License
10 stars 14 forks source link

What is OpenSource NY?

OpenSourceNY App(OSNY) is a tool that tracks contributions made by a participant, and then rank the participants using a leaderboard-esque ranking system. Specifically, it is a tool designed to track participation in Open Source NYC's open source contribution challenge held over the summer in which participants are tasked to contribute, such as opening a pull request or issue, to open source projects in any way.

In other terms, the tool should let participants register to join the challenge or send an email of interest, record activity metrics, and rank participants using a leaderboard.

For any users that opts in, given a GitHub repo and GitHub username, the software will keep track of stats for that users in relation to the GitHub repo.

Features (including stats that we will keep track of)


sudo apt-get update --yes
sudo apt-get install npm --yes
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

How to run

Running with npm

  1. In one terminal, run this to get the server running (only need to do npm install on your first time, to install all the node_modules):
cd src/myapp/server
npm install -dev
npm start
  1. In a second terminal, run this to get the front end running (only need to do npm install on your first time, to install all the node_modules):
cd src/myapp/client
npm install -dev
npm start
  1. Now go to your browser and open http://localhost:3000/ Voila!

NOTE: When npm start on REACT, you maybe run into this error:

  throw error;

To fix: Reference

  • add 'fs.inotify.max_user_watches=20000' without the single quotes into your /etc/sysctl.conf on the very last line. Change the number to however much you want. The error aboves results from the number being too small, so change it to a big enough number. How big? I don't know, depends on how much files you have in your REACT App.
  • After you edit that file, run the following to load in the sysctl setting from /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -p

Running with docker compose

(One liner command to start up both server and client)

Install docker and docker-compose (instructions for pacman package manager)

sudo pacman -S docker docker-compose
sydo systemctl status docker   # Look at the result, make sure it's loaded and active
# To make it active, do the following line, else skip the following line
sudo systemctl start docker

To start up the application

docker-compose up # The first time you do this, it will build the image, which may take a while.

Now open your browser to localhost:3000 to access the website.

Currently, docker-compose doesn't auto bring your browser to localhost:3000 like npm start does. Someone should help us config to make it happen!

To rebuild the image

You need to rebuild everytime your add/remove in a package using npm

docket-compose build # This process can take a while.

How to contribute

PLEASE FORK, and follow a proper git work flow when you have a feature done, do a PR PLEASE DO NOT MAKE DIRECT EDITS TO THIS REPO

If you see any bugs, on documentations, codes, etc please open an issue describing the bug. Thanks!

Refer to

For start(this section is for initial development of this project, will be removed from this once we have a base to build on top of)

Here are the 4 features that we would like to have as a base to work off on:

If you have the server set up in a LAN envirnoment, you can access the website locally. For linux, type in ifconfig, look for your eth0 ip address or wlan0's inet address. Then type that address in with ':3000' to access port 3000.

Happy Hacking!