openspending-archive / satellite-template

Create dedicated Where Does My Money Go style websites quickly and easily
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OpenSpending Satellite Site Template

This repo is a template that can be used to easily create custom budget and spending visualization sites using data from OpenSpending_.

An example of the kind of site that you can create (very quickly) using this template is Where Does My Money Go?_.

.. Where Does My Money Go?: .. OffenerHaushalt: .. _OpenSpending:

What is in this repository?

Satellite sites runs as simple static websites built out of plain HTML and JS and pulling data from OpenSpending. All data is stored in the OpenSpending platform and the visualizations and search are driven directly from its API.

.. OpenSpending: .. API:

The repository contains a basic layout for the site, based on Twitter's Bootstrap 2_ CSS framework, and a skeleton site based on Jekyll, a simple generator tool for static web sites. The key component is code samples for embedding most of the widgets that are currently available for OpenSpending:

.. _Bootstrap 2:

How do I make a budget site for my own country/region?

If you want to set up a budget monitoring site for your own country, you first need to acquire some budgetary or spending data and load it into OpenSpending using the site's web interface. Once the data is loaded, you can fork this repository and change the titles, styles and arrangement to meet your individual needs. Finally, you can either host the site yourself, or let GitHub Pages_ do it.

.. _load it into OpenSpending: .. fork this repository: .. GitHub Pages:

How do I build the site?

The pages in this repository are built to their final form by combining them with the template in _layouts/default.html using Jekyll_, a Ruby-based static site generator. To build the site, you first need to install Jekyll (works on either Mac OS X or Linux)::

sudo gem install jekyll

A good tutorial for Windows is available here_.

After that, you can simply build the site or even run a local web server by running this command from the repository root directory::

jekyll serve --watch

If your jekyll version is less than 1.0, run this command instead of the above::

jekyll --server --auto

Even if you cannot install jekyll for some reason, you can still experiment with the site by deploying its contents after each change.

The easiest way to deploy the site is via GitHub pages. To use them, simply adapt the CNAME file in the root of the repository and push to the gh-pages branch. All pages will be automatically built and deployed.

.. Jekyll: .. install Jekyll: .. _here:

What customizations should I make if I set up my own site?

In order to create a new, white-label site, there are a number of easy tweaks you can make.

To get a basic understanding of the terminology and concepts involved in the API calls to OpenSpending, take a few minutes to read up on the technical background: How does OpenSpending store data? <>_

Where do I find help?

This repository is a community-supported resource and there are several places where you can call on the community to help you customize it for your needs:

The OpenSpending team can also offer tailored support to build a customized site about government finance, to help you create your own visualizations or to answer specific questions related to budgetary or spending data.

This additional level of support comes with service level agreements and is ideal for projects working to a tight deadline, those looking for new-types of visualisation, high-stake or long term projects. If you are interested in finding out more about our availability and what we can offer please get in touch with the OpenSpending project at We'd love to work with you!