openspending / cubepress

Flat-file generator for aggregated spending reports
MIT License
5 stars 2 forks source link

The Cube Press

The cube press is a simple ad-hoc OLAP reporting system that will consume a Data Package and generate a set of pre-defined aggregated reports as static files.


The easiest way of using cubepress is via PyPI:

$ pip install cubepress

Alternatively, check out the repository from GitHub and install it locally:

$ git clone
$ cd cubepress
$ pip install -e .


cubepress -p <datapackage> <aggregates.json>

where aggregates.json is specified as a JSON list of aggregates written in plain SQL:

  "sql": "SELECT admin, SUM(executed) as amount FROM 'table' WHERE year = 2006 GROUP BY admin",
  "file": "by-department",
  "format": "csv"

Cubepress can also generate aggregates from specially written report YAML files.


nosetests tests/


cubepress is open source, licensed under a standard MIT license (included in this repository as LICENSE).