openstax / 2019-interns-team1

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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2019 Intern Team 1

OpenNotes is a notetaking platform built on top of existing OpenStax services. OpenNotes allows students to take notes on top of templates that help retention and offers integration with REX and Tutor. This repository hosts source files of OpenStax Notes by 2019 Intern Team 1. Please see work management & contribution guidelines before contributing to this project.

Name Role Email Slack GitHub
Ashley D'Souza Back End Development @Ashley D'Souza @ashdza
Moses Glickman Business Operations @Moses
Sean Zhang Project Management @seanz @shz12
Miao Zhang Marketing and Communications @Miao Zhang
Yidi Wang Content Development @Yidi Wang @Yidi0213
Alp Yakici Back End Development @Alp Yakici @berkalpyakici
Esther Plants QA/Software Testing @Esther Plants @ejp3
Andy Cheng User Experience @Andy Cheng @andy-m-cheng

Team Ceremonies


CMS is built with Django Framework. All installation instructions assume you already have Homebrew installed. If you are not running on MacOS or a Linux distribution, see the hyperlinks for dependencies.



Verify you have Python ≥ 3.7 installed:

python --version
python3 --version

Now we can install the repository. Run the following commands line by line:

git clone
cd 2019-interns-team1/cms/
pip3 install -r requirements/dev.txt

After all the modules in requirements are installed, run the migration script:

python3 migrate

Now, create a super user. Run the following command and then proceed with the instructions:

python3 createsuperuser

Head to Google Doc API page and then click ENABLE THE GOOGLE DOCS API button and download the credentials.json file and move it to cms/ directory where is located in.

Finally, start the server:

python3 runserver

Admin Panel

After the server is initialized using the commands above, head to http://localhost:8000 to login to admin panel. Authenticate using the credentials generated using createsuperuser command.


CROS needs to be disabled to use the dashboard as we do API requests to a 'foreign host'. To load the dashboard, just drag and drop webview/dashboard.html to the web browser that has CROS disabled. Also make sure credentials hardcoded to webview/app/config.js matches with the credentials created using createsuperuser command previously. Please see this section for further information. The default username and password combination is admin for both username and password.

API Endpoints

OpenStax Notes CMS provides a number of API endpoints that allow clients to add/alter/remove data to/from the database.

GET /api/notes/<id>

Lists all the notes, ordering by the id DESC. If <id> is provided, then shows a single entry of the given id.

GET /api/notes/?account=<id>

Lists all notes created by the specific account.

GET /api/notes/?title=<note_title>

Lists all notes that include note_title in their titles.

GET /api/notes/?star=<True/False>

Lists all notes that are either starred (if True) or not starred (if False).

GET /api/notes/?tags=<tag,tag2,tag3>

Lists all notes that are tagged with either one of tag, tag2, or tag3.

All these GET parameters can be used together.

POST /api/notes/

Creates a new note. The request should include a header titled Authorization, which takes the value Basic <auth>, where <auth> is basic authentication (such as an encoded form of username:password that matches with any account created on admin panel).

    "title": "",
    "author_account_id": null,
    "template": 'default/cornell/matrix',
    "content": null,
    "tags": null

PUT /api/notes/<id>/

Updates fields of the individual note <id>. Mainly used to star/unstar a document and change when the document was last opened.

    # If true, sets the document as starred; if false, unstars the document:
    "star": true/false,

    # If true, sets the time of last open to current time; does nothing if set to false:
    "do_update_lastopen": true/false