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Dictionary Suggestions #400

Open morinted opened 8 years ago

morinted commented 8 years ago

Report suggestions for changing the default dictionary in this thread

Just reply or edit posts to give suggestions, we'll remove them as they get fixed.

tkpwaeub commented 5 years ago

Add: "SRELT/SPH*ERZ": "Weltschmerz"

Jade-GG commented 5 years ago

remove "HRO*ET/TO": "loath {^ ^} to". Weird entry.

tkpwaeub commented 5 years ago

Remove "TPHO/WA": "Noah" and "TPHOE/WA": "Noah" and replace with "TPHO/KWRA": "Noah" and "TPHOE": "Noah"

morinted commented 5 years ago

I think that WA as a word-ending is pretty normal (aqua, Noah, Joshua) in Plover.

I think using "WA" for "was" or "with a" is a fine choice, but I also think keeping WA for "^ua" in Plover's default makes sense.

amikumanto commented 5 years ago

Also I think it probably wouldn't make sense to remap NOE from know to Noah, although I could see an argument for something like TPHO/SKWRA or TPHOE/SKWRA

Jade-GG commented 5 years ago

Fix SK-D/SK-D: asked, "{-|}{^} by changing it to this: SK-D/SK-D: asked, "{^}{-|} (brackets switched) otherwise it does not make the automatic caps

Jade-GG commented 5 years ago

A/HROEU should map to "alloy", not "Allow" (note the caps)

Willem3141 commented 5 years ago

Suggest to add:

"PRO/TKPWRES": "progress"

Motivation: Besides the brief PROG, we already have the phonetic outlines PROG/RES, PROG/RESZ and PRO/TKPWRESZ, but PRO/TKPWRES (which would be the natural outline for me) is missing.

Jade-GG commented 5 years ago
"STKPRAT": "desperate"
"STKPRALT": "desperately"

and then maybe also, because they are not used for anything else:

"TKPRAT": "desperate"
"TKPRALT": "desperately"
morinted commented 5 years ago

UP/KOPLG for "upcoming" should be removed. AUP/KOPLG could be added as an explicit entry for anyone who's looking it up.

If you only end up coming back to us after exhausting all other options, we won't take you in.

amikumanto commented 5 years ago

remove "AS/SORT": "assort" since it causes a word boundary error with "as sort", as in "I use it as sort of a generic modifier"

didoesdigital commented 5 years ago

These strokes have inconsistent spacing:

"UP/HOELD": "up hold",
"UP/HOELDZ": "upholds",
"UP/HOLD": "uphold",
"UP/HOLDZ": "upholds",

I can't think of a sensible reason you'd want to break "up hold" other than maybe something random like "push up hold". The UP stroke for the word "up" does makes sense though. We could add explicit entries using the prefix AUP for "up^":

+"AUP/HOELD": "uphold",
+"AUP/HOELDZ": "upholds",
+"AUP/HOLD": "uphold",
+"AUP/HOLDZ": "upholds",

We could then change all the "UP/" entries to include spaces or perhaps we could change "UP/HOELDZ": "upholds" to be "UP/HOELDZ": "up holds" so it is consistent with "UP/HOELD": "up hold". That would mean the alternative stroke using OE adds the space while the short O does not.

didoesdigital commented 5 years ago

Can we add "HO*URPB": "honour"?

amikumanto commented 5 years ago

Remove the following:

"TEPBD/OPB": "tendon",

As it causes a word boundary error for the phrase "spirits that tend on mortal thoughts," Also add the following:

"KHAER": "cherry",
"KOEBG/TPHUTS": "coconuts",
"KPAPBGS": "expansion",
"KRAOUL/TEU": "cruelty",
"KRAEU/O*PBS": "crayons",
"TKPWA*RLG": "garlic",
"WREUD/KWRAPB": "viridian",
"WUG": "wug",
SeaLiteral commented 5 years ago

Right now, EUPBG/HREUPBG writes "inkling", probably as a misstroke for *EUPBG/HREUPBG. But that causes EUPBG/HREUPBG/WEUFTS to become "inkling WEUFTS". I use EUPBG for "I think", and I think I'm not the only one with that in their phrasing system, so maybe we should remove the misstroke so EUPBG/HREUPBG can write the sum of its parts.

Also, SROL/PAOUBG writes "volume puke". Maybe make that and SRO/HRA/PAOUBG write "Volapük". We could also add Ido (AOE/TKO) and Interlingua (EUPBT/HREUPBG/WA, currently comes out without the capitalsation). Those are conlangs,

Also language related: All of the following could be mapped to "lingua franca": HREUPBG/WA/TPRAPBG/KA, HREUPBG/WA/TPRAPBG/SKWRA and HREUPBG/WA/TPRA*PBG/SKWRA.

Edit: some more conlangs are these engineered languages:

Jade-GG commented 5 years ago

Replace "HER/TPHAOEUPB": "Hermione" with "HER/TPHAO*EUPB": "Hermione"

Because it clashes with a sentence like "I'll make her mine one day" (as right now it actually makes "I'll make Hermione one day").
"Heramine", on the other hand, is not a thing.

Willem3141 commented 5 years ago
"SHA/KAOE/RA": "Shakira"

(we already have SHA/KAOER/RA and SHA/KEU/RA)


(we already have PWAOE/OPB/SAEU)

slampisko commented 5 years ago

Remove entry


Not sure how that got there, but upon writing that, you should definitely get epispadias -- instead of 1.

Willem3141 commented 5 years ago


"*EU/PO*D": "iPod",
"*EU/POD": "iPod",

In particular, I got a conflict when trying to write "Eana Mokri podcast" (where I had to fingerspell the name "Eana Mokri"): it came out as "Eana Mokr iPod cast". I think this is bad, because the entire point of fingerspelling is that it comes out exactly as you write it.

There are actually many more (non-fingerspelling) outlines with *EU in them; I would argue that they all should be removed because of the same reason.

Jade-GG commented 5 years ago

remove UP/STAPBD/-G: upstanding (collision example: "you end up standing still")

Jade-GG commented 5 years ago

TPREUFLS: frivolous

SeaLiteral commented 5 years ago

@Willem3141 For words with two consonants before the I, you could use SKWREU at the end of the fingerspelling. Eana Mokri could be written *EP/A*/TPH*/SKWRA/PH*P/O*/K*/R*/SKWREU. But that type of fingerspelling sometimes doubles consonants when it shouldn't. *EP/A*/TPH*/SKWRA as well write Eanna, but orthography rules sometimes change stuff and sometimes they don't. SKWREU (and other vowel enders) can be assumed to work after kr because that's already two consonants.

SeaLiteral commented 5 years ago

Some addition suggestions:

and some entries that cause problems:

morinted commented 5 years ago

Add "balaclava"

nimble0 commented 5 years ago
"AOLG/SAO*EUD": "alongside",
"AOLG/SAOEUD": "alongside",
"AOLGDZ": "alongside",
Jade-GG commented 5 years ago

delete AS/HROU:{^s allow}. Conflicts with stuff like "as lousy" or even very sensible custom definitions like "as Louis"

Jade-GG commented 5 years ago

Delete PHAOEUPBD/TPUL: mindful because it collides with a sentence like "I've got my mind full of [...]"

Willem3141 commented 5 years ago
+"AOUFBL": "usable",
+"AOUFBLT": "usability",

(we already have AOUBL, but this honors the F-as-S pattern, similar to AOUFG which produces "using")

slampisko commented 5 years ago
+"PWAOUD": "buddy",
+"HAOUR": "hurry",
+"HAOURPBG": "hungry",

Seems logical to me since learning the TPAOUPB brief for “funny”. There might be more potential candidates with the same logic, this is just what came to mind immediately.

Jade-GG commented 5 years ago


TPHUPL/-BG: numbing (clashes with stuff like "that number being [...]")
P-P/O*RG: {^.^ org} because it doesn't translate correctly

tkpwaeub commented 5 years ago
  1. Delete SKW-TS : {'^} and SKW*TS : {^'}

  2. Replace SKW-T : {'^} by SKW-T : {~|'^}and SKW*T : {^'} by SKW*T : {^~|'}

Jade-GG commented 5 years ago


WAS/PAEUGS: was paying. Misstroke and, if you use PAEUGS for "patience", collides with some sentences.

Jade-GG commented 5 years ago


KWOET/A: quota
KWOET/AS: quotas

collides with something like "you could define an entire quote as a single stroke"

slampisko commented 5 years ago
"AEUPB/KHEPBT/TKPWRAO*ES": "Ancient Greece",
-"AEUPB/KHEPBT/TKPWRAO*ES/-FPLT": "Ancient Greece.",
-"PUR/KWREUD/-FPLT": "buried{.}",
"SAR/TKOPB/KHREU": "sardonically",
-"SAR/TKOPB/KHREU/-FPLT": "sardonically{.}",
"STUF": "stuff",
-"STUF/-FPLT": "stuff{.}",

The entries with the periods at the end are unnecessary. The last one looks like a mistake–I don't see a reason why it should erase the period before it.

cgadski commented 5 years ago
"TKPWHREUS/SAPB/TKOE": "glissando",
"PEUZ/KA/TOE": "pizzicato",
"PWAOER/TKPWART/*EPB": "biergarten"
SeaLiteral commented 5 years ago

Rabbits gets the wrong plural if stroked RAB/PWEUTS. Maybe remove the explicit plural "bits". I've learned the one stroke (RABT) but I think we should still make it so people who try to write the plural in two strokes get the right word. Also, I'm not sure if we should add RAB/EUT for rabbit and RAB/EUTS for rabbits.

And another plural that needs fixing: add AFPLTS for "amounts of".

And I'm not sure if TPHAEUFPL is "name of" but, if it is, make sure TPHAEUFPLS is "names of".

I'm not sure if EPL/PWROEURD (embroider) is in the dictionary. But it probably should be. And KHRURT (clutter). And WRAOERD for weirder and KAL/SHUPL for calcium.

And maybe add KHAEURB for "cherish".

Edit: I add mentioned using KHAEURB for something else, but that wouldn't really be phonetic.

Jade-GG commented 5 years ago


"WOFPB": "Welcome to CSSConf"

Jade-GG commented 5 years ago

some additions from my user dictionary that either didn't exist at all in the main dictionary, or seem like they should.

"AB/TKOPB": "abaddon"
"ELD/PWER": "elderberry"
"EPB/PHOUR": "enamour"
"HAEFT": "happiest"
"HAEPBS": "happiness"
"HAOD/KWREU": "hoodie"
"K-FLT": "confidently"
"KAT/PHO*UPBT": "catamount"
"KAT/PHO*UPBTS": "catamounts"
"KP*EPBD": "compend"
"KPRA*FGT": "extravagate"
"KRABG/*EPB": "Kraken"
"KWEUZ/AEURBS": "quizzacious"
"KWO/KA": "quokka"
"KWOEUPB": "quintillion"
"OU/TROE": "outro"
"PAOEU/THAG/RAS": "Pythagoras"
"PHAUR": "mare"
"PHAEFP": "Mach"
"PHAO*UFPLS": "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"
"PHO*EU/KEUPL/KWRA": "myokymia"
"PWAEUPBL/TPAOEU": "banalify"
"PWUFBG": "busk"
"SHR*ERT": "celerity"
"SKA": "ska"
"SKWEUD/WA*RD": "Squidward"
"TAB/HRA*EU": "tabouleh"
"TET/ROPL/TPHOE": "tetromino"
"TET/ROPL/TPHOES": "tetrominoes"
"THAPB/OS": "Thanos"
"TKPWAFT": "ghast"
"TKREBG": "dreck"
slampisko commented 5 years ago
-"PHOPLTS": "endophthalmitis",

I think the average user is going to need this stroke to be the single-stroke version of “monuments” more often than “endophthalmitis”. If need be, that can be asterisked.

nimble0 commented 5 years ago

Remove: TEFD: testified, T*EFD: tested Because the asterisk is the other way around on the base words: TEF: test, T*EF: testify

nimble0 commented 5 years ago

Delete: AOEUD/TKAOEL": "ideal" Conflicts with I'd deal.

Could delete as well, but doesn't really matter: "AOEUD/TKAOEL/SA*EUGS": "idealization"

Sootymatt commented 5 years ago

Suggestions to add to the dictionary: SAOK for sook (aka a crybaby) SM*IK for schmick (aka fancy/new/well-maintained) YAOUS for youse FRIK for frick (alternative version of frig/frigging) There may be better briefs for these words - these are just suggestions.

Jade-GG commented 5 years ago

delete TKEU/AOEPB: diene (collides with sentences like "what did I even do [...]")

Sootymatt commented 5 years ago

Please add: FUR/FI = furphy

user202729 commented 4 years ago

Please add:

And change one of the two entries AOEULD/AOEULDZ (currently mapped to "island" and "eyelids" respectively) to be consistent.

autumn-birds commented 4 years ago

AOEUD EPL "idem" collides with sentences like "I'd embarrass myself," or "I'd employ you!" and etc. I'm not really if there's any good solution for this since idem is seemingly a word. Maybe redefine as "AOEUD *EPL"?

autumn-birds commented 4 years ago

Mostly things that seem obvious/correct to me but did not work right in my copy of main.json.

"TAOEU/RAPB/K-L": "tyrannical",
"TRAN/K-L": "tyrannical",
"GRAM/A*RS": "grammars",
didoesdigital commented 4 years ago

At some point the outline "RE/HRAOEFD" was swapped from "relieved" to "released". Adjacent entries like "relieves" and "releases" are inconsistent:

"RE/HRAO*EF": "relieve",
"RE/HRAO*EF/ER": "reliever",
"RE/HRAO*EFD": "relieved",
"RE/HRAO*EFG": "releasing",
"RE/HRAO*EFR": "reliever",
"RE/HRAO*EFS": "releases",
"RE/HRAOEF": "relief",
"RE/HRAOEF/*ER": "reliever",
"RE/HRAOEF/-D": "relieved",
"RE/HRAOEF/-S": "relieves",
"RE/HRAOEFD": "released",
"RE/HRAOEFG": "relieving",
"RE/HRAOEFR": "reliever",
"RE/HRAOEFS": "relieves",
"RE/HRAOES": "release",
"RE/HRAOES/-D": "released",
"RE/HRAOES/-G": "releasing",
"RE/HRAOES/-S": "releases",
"RE/HRAOESZ": "releases",
millipz commented 4 years ago

A few more, don't think these have been done:

"PWHRAOEUPBLG": "oblige",
"STOEURBG": "historic",

Don't know if this is so obvious/correct, but since we have TKPHEUPB for "admin", it makes sense to me to add

"TKPHEUPBT": "administrate",
kburchfiel commented 4 years ago

R*EFLT maps to "revaluate," but I think the intention was for R*EFLT to map to "reevaluate."