opentargets / issues

Issue tracker for Open Targets Platform and Open Targets Genetics Portal
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21.11 release planning #1834

Closed ktsirigos closed 2 years ago

ktsirigos commented 2 years ago

Release planned for Thursday, November 25, 2021

Preparatory tasks Task Responsible person / team Deadline Done? Comment
Confirm data submission window is acceptable Kostas --
  • - [x]
Confirm EFO version Kostas --
  • - [x]
v. 3.35
Confirm Ensembl version Kostas --
  • - [x]
v. 104
Confirm data receipt from providers Kostas 25.10
  • - [x]
Data-team Task Responsible person / team Deadline Done? Comment
Update JSON schema Irene 08.10
  • - [x]
Freeze JSON schema - notify about latest Irene 09.10
  • - [x]
Generate and upload TEPs Irene 27.10
  • - [x]
Review data submissions Kirill 27.10
  • - [x]
Generate and upload Mouse Phenotypes Kirill 29.10
  • - [x]
Generate internal evidence Kirill 29.10
  • - [x]
Generate and upload Chemical Probes Irene 03.11
  • - [x]
Generate pre-pipeline release metrics Kirill 04.11
  • - [x]
Finalise data submissions / notify Cinzia Kirill & Irene 05.11
  • - [x]
Generate EPMC evidence Daniel 08.11
  • - [x]
Run with EPMC September submission
Generate Genetics Portal evidence Daniel 29.10
  • - [x]
Generate post-pipeline release metrics Kirill 09.11
  • - [x]
Write Cancer Biomarkers documentation Irene 12.11
  • - [x]
Conduct data QC team ongoing until 12.11
  • - [x]
Implement Gene2Phenotype evidence updates Irene --
  • - [x]
scheduled to update data last week Nov - scoped for 22.02
Implement Project Score evidence updates Daniel xx.xx
  • - [x]
Recurate target safety annotation for Urban et al Irene 29.10
  • - [x]
Review tickets opened after investigating 21.09 failed evidence Kirill 29.10
  • - [x]
Review evidence schema required fields Irene 29.10
  • - [x]
Backend-team Task Responsible person / team Deadline Done? Comment
Update ETL team 04.11
  • - [x]
Freeze ETL - notify about latest version for tech notes Cinzia 04.11
  • - [x]
Ground ePMC data Miguel 08.11
  • - [x]
Confirm all data is available Cinzia 09.11
  • - [x]
Run platform-input-support & ETL pipeline Cinzia 09.11
  • - [x]
Ingest into ElasticSearch and expose API Cinzia 15.11
  • - [x]
Run API integration tests Jarrod 15.11
  • - [x]
Create a candidate release test instance ( domain) Manuel 22.11
  • - [x]
Run platform-output-support to generate data dumps (FTP etc) Cinzia 23.11
  • - [x]
Deploy infrastructure via Terraform - notification Manuel 24.11
  • - [x]
Frontend-team Task Responsible person / team Deadline Done? Comment
Update UI team until 17.11
  • - [x]
Ensure main branch preview is available Alfredo 19.11
  • - [x]
Freeze and bundle UI to handover for deployment Alfredo 22.11
  • - [x]
Conduct UI QC checks team ongoing until 22.11
  • - [x]
Post-release tasks Task Deadline to complete task Responsible person / team Done? Comment
Notify EBI search to fetch data ( / Kostas 29.11
  • - [x]
Send email to technical newsletter group Kostas 29.11
  • - [x]
Documentation updates Kostas & Andrew 29.11
  • - [x]
Review outstanding release-related GitHub tickets Kostas 29.11
  • - [x]
Close release on GitHub Kostas 29.11
  • - [x]
ktsirigos commented 2 years ago

Release 21.11 completed.