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Mendelian randomisation (MR) #2090

Closed edm1 closed 2 years ago

edm1 commented 5 years ago

We have not planned exactly how this will be done.

One option is to take results straight from the Bristol IEU's MR Everything-vs-Everything (MR-EvE). Their methods preprint is here.

We can access the neo4j database from: (Ed has username/password).

To think about:

edm1 commented 5 years ago

Ed's notes on the method (from November 2017):

Phenotypes used:

Instrument selection:

  1. Top hits - Selecting SNPs association with p<5e-8 and clumping to obtain independent SNPs, then replicating in an independent sample.
  2. Steiger filtering - In GWAS with high statistical power, it is difficult to know which trait a SNP (g) has its primary effect on. This could lead to the incorrectly concluding that B->A when in fact A->B. If trait A causes trait B, then g will be kept if the r2 is greater with A than B. (Currently not clear to me how this is done as they are using summary statistics, and don’t use the raw phenotypes.)

MR methods used (14 total):

Mixture of experts (MoE):

Which method gets used after Steiger filtering?


edm1 commented 4 years ago


We have a project underway to incorporate MR into the portal. It looks like, we’ll initially focus on generating high quality genetic instruments from protein QTL data following a similar methodology to this study: We can then expand to other molecular phenotypes such as metabolite QTLs.

I don’t feel we’d see much benefit, on top of coloc, from generating instruments from our expression-QTL (eQTL) DB as: (1) there is a high degree of pleiotropy (~25% of loci have strong eQTl coloc evidence with >1 gene), which would invalidate the assumption that the variant’s effect on the outcome (disease) is mediated entirely via its effect on the exposure (eQTL in this case); (2) we only have cis-eQTLs, which often only have a single causal variant. Multiple independent variants are required for most sensitivity analyses, without which we would be less confident in the MR estimates.

d0choa commented 2 years ago

This ticket has been superseded by Mohd's work