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Migrate pan-UKBB LD matrixes from AWS to GCP #3455

Open d0choa opened 1 week ago

d0choa commented 1 week ago

We would like to have panUKBB LD matrixes to improve our finemapping process.

3 ancestries: EUR, AFR, CSA

s3://pan-ukb-us-east-1/ld_release/ s3://pan-ukb-us-east-1/ld_release/ s3://pan-ukb-us-east-1/ld_release/ and s3://pan-ukb-us-east-1/ld_release/ s3://pan-ukb-us-east-1/ld_release/ s3://pan-ukb-us-east-1/ld_release/ (edited)

@prashantuniyal02 This is going to be costly, so we will need estimates on transfer cost and storage. We can move to auto-class, and the expectation is that we might only access the data once every quarter. But let's try to make this happen

prashantuniyal02 commented 5 days ago

Hi @addramir , I have transferred all the 3 (EUR, AFR, CSA) and to our GCP. You can start with that ancestry. I just need to monitor any associated costs for the next couple of days.

addramir commented 5 days ago

Hi @prashantuniyal02 , thank you! could you please also move EUR (nfe)? It is priority 1.

prashantuniyal02 commented 4 days ago

@addramir , I have also moved the file to gs://panukbb-ld-matrixes GCP bucket