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Implement variant consequence features from VEP into L2G #3554

Closed ireneisdoomed closed 1 month ago

ireneisdoomed commented 1 month ago

As a developer, I want to calculate functional consequence scores using VEP annotations for each variant in a credible set because these scores will inform how damaging the variants are, which is important for prioritising genes.


We have functional consequence data from VEP in the variant index object. The goal for L2G is to assess the functional impact of these variants and use these score for prioritising genes from GWAS loci.

We have assigned scores to these consequences to quantify how damaging each variant may be, and now need to implement new features to incorporate these scores into our set of functional genomics features. As described in, we only want to take into consideration protein coding genes when calculating the neighbourhood features.

An accurate definition of the features is available in the features specifications document, and has been agreed with @addramir.
