openteamsinc / Score

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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OpenTeams Score


OpenTeams Score is a Python-based tool designed to evaluate and categorize open source projects. It provides users with valuable insights to assess the suitability of open source dependencies for their projects.

The end product of this repo is a score dataset



Maturity Categories

1. Experimental

2. Developing

3. Mature

4. Legacy

Health & Risk Categories

1. Healthy

2. Caution Needed

3. High Risk


PyPI Packages


Parquet Table columns:

Scores Result

The Scores Result is a JSON object that provides detailed information about the evaluated open source project. This includes metadata about the project, the packages it contains, and the scores assigned to it based on maturity and health & risk categories.

JSON Structure

        "source_url": "",
        "project_name": "asdf",
        "source_type": "pypi",
        "homepage_url": "",
        "packages": [
                "package_type": "pypi",
                "package_id": "python-asdf",
                "latest_version": "2.7.1",
                "release_date": "2023-09-15"
        "scores": {
            "maturity": {
                "value": "developing",
                "notes": [
                    "Package is over 2 years old",
                    "Regular updates and releases"
            "health_risk": {
                "value": "healthy",
                "notes": [
                    "Package has a low number of contributors",
                    "No known vulnerabilities",
                    "Good test coverage"

Fields Description