opentelekomcloud / kontainer-engine-driver-otc

Rancher container engine driver for OTC
Apache License 2.0
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Kontainer Engine Driver OTC

Go Report Card GitHub Build Status GitHub release (latest SemVer including pre-releases)

This repository contains the Open Telekom Cloud CCE cluster driver for the rancher server.

!Important note: The current available Kontainer Engine Driver for OTC is not up to date and does not work properly. You need to update the Driver to the latest version to get this properly running. We have an open issue to get this fixed @Rancher, but the approval is currently missing.

Frontend part:


make build

Will output driver binaries into the bin directory, these can be imported directly into Rancher and used as cluster drivers. They must be distributed via URLs that your Rancher instance can establish a connection to and download the driver binaries. For example, this driver is distributed via a GitHub release and can be downloaded from one of those URLs directly.

Adding/Updating driver

  1. Open Rancher

  2. Go to the Cluster Drivers management screen in Rancher.

  3. Go to Drivers -> Cluster Drivers and search for Open Telekom Cloud CCE click three dotted menu and then Edit

  4. or you can just click Add Cluster Driver.

  5. Enter Download URL: 1) Using exact version: 2) Using the latest version:

  6. Enter the Custom UI URL: 1) Using exact version: 2) Or latest:

  7. Add Whitelist Domains with value *

  8. Click Save if you are in edit mode of existing driver or Create for new one, and wait for driver status to be Active.

  9. Cluster driver for OpenTelekomCloud CCE service will be available to use on the Cluster:Create screen.


Creating Cluster

To make successfully connection of all Rancher agents to your cluster you must give access to internet for you nodes. For example, you can do that by creating NAT Gateway for VPC where your cluster will be hosted. Then add SNAT rule for your VPC and subnet and passing EIP

  1. Go to Clusters and click Create
  2. Click on Open Telekom Cloud CCE
  3. Choose authentication method AK/SK or Token-based, and fill required fields, such as Region, Domain Name, Project Name, Username, Password, Access Key Id, Secret Access Key.


    Then click Next: Configure Cluster.

  4. On Cluster Configuration choose Kubernetes version

    Cluster flavor, Network mode and CIDR.


    Then click Next: Network Configuration.

  5. On Network Configuration choose VPC from list of created Vpcs and choose Subnet.


    Then click Next: Cluster Floating IP.

  6. On Cluster Floating IP you can create new IP with selected bandwidth size or use existing one.


    Then click Next: Node Configuration.

  7. On Node Configuration choose Node Count

    Take more than 2 nodes, rancher wants a lot of resources

    Node OS, Availability Zone, Key Pair and Node Flavor

    Node Flavor list depends on selected Availability Zone, so please choose az first.


    Then click Next: Nodes disk configuration.

  8. On Node Configuration select Root Disk Type and Data Disk Type and sizes.


    Then click Finish & Create Cluster.

Sometimes Rancher didn't show cluster in clusters list till end of provisioning cluster nodes, please wait and check console.


Copyright 2023 T-Systems GmbH

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.