opentofu /

The website hosting the OpenTofu Installer script and installation resources
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 8 forks source link

OpenTofu distribution site

This repository contains the source code for the distribution site. It is deployed on Cloudflare Pages. The installation scripts are located in src/ (POSIX) and src/install-opentofu.ps1 (Powershell). The Cloudflare function managing the MIME type assignment is located in src/functions/index.ts.

Testing the script


You can test the installation script manually, or you can use docker compose to run the automated


cd tests/linux 


cd tests\windows
& '.\test-all.ps1'

Testing the site

You can test the site locally using wrangler if you have NodeJS/NPM installed:

npm i
cd src
npx wrangler pages dev .