opentok / interactive-broadcast-api

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OpenTok Interactive Broadcasting Solution Backend

Tokbox is now known as Vonage

Important note: We are archiving this prject. Contact Vonage support if you have questions.

The OpenTok Interactive Broadcast Solution Backend is based on Apache Hadoop and uses Firebase as the underlying storage.

This document describes how to create an OpenTok Interactive Broadcast Solution Backend Server.

Use the backend server to manages interactive broadcast events. Use it in conjunction with the Interactive Broadcast Solution client apps for the web, iOS, and Android.

Installing dependencies

Clone the repository and cd to the project directory.

git clone
cd interactive-broadcast-api

Install yarn:

npm install -g yarn

Install dependencies:


Configuration settings

Set environment (vars):

cp .env.example .env

Edit the .env file:


Replace these values with the following:

Add you Firebase credentials to the /config/config.js file.

const config = {
  env: envVars.NODE_ENV,
  port: envVars.PORT,
  jwtSecret: envVars.JWT_SECRET,
  fireBaseAuthDomain: '',
  firebaseDatabaseURL: '',
  firebaseProjectId: 'your-app-id',
  firebaseStorageBucket: 'your-app-id.appspot.comx',
  interactiveStreamLimit: envVars.INTERACTIVE_STREAM_LIMIT || Infinity,

Set the following values:

Running the app

Start the server:

yarn start


# compile to ES5
1. yarn build

# upload dist/ to your server
2. scp -rp dist/ user@dest:/path

# install production dependencies only
3. yarn --production

# Use any process manager to start your services
4. pm2 start dist/index.js

Exploring the Code

This section details the inner workings of OpenTok Interactive Broadcasting Solution Backend.


The Interactive Broadcasting Solution Backend consists of various services:


Manage operation over administrator users. It implements the following methods:

getAdmins     => Gets the list of admins
getAdmin      => Gets a particular Admin from firebase
createAdmin   => Creates an admin
createUser    => Creates an user in firebase-admin
updateUser    => Updates an user in firebase-admin
updateAdmin   => Updates an admin
deleteAdmin   => Deletes an admin in firebase-admin
deleteUser    => Deletes an user in firebase-admin


Handles authentication using the following methods:

login           => Returns jwt token if valid username and password is provided for an admin or producer.
loginFan        => Returns jwt token if valid username and password is provided for a fan user.
loginHost       => Returns jwt token if valid username and password is provided for a host user.
loginCelebrity  => Returns jwt token if valid username and password is provided for a celebrity user
updateUser      => Updates an user in firebase-admin
updateAdmin     => Updates an admin
deleteAdmin     => Deletes an admin in firebase-admin
deleteUser      => Deletes an user in firebase-admin


Manages the broadcast session, implements these methods:

getBroadcastData  => Returns data required for the client to connect to the broadcast (CDN) feed.
endBroadcast      => End the broadcast.
eventGoLive       => Puts the event live.


Exports the following Props.


Data of the admin users

const adminProps = [

Contains common data of all the users disregarding the role:

const userProps = ['displayName',

These Props represent private data for the events.

const eventProps = [

Contains data publicly visible from the events

const eventPublicProps = [

The current timestamp.


The creation timestamp of an event.


The last timestamp at which an event was updated.


Array containing the possible status values for an event.

const eventStatuses = {
  NOT_STARTED: 'notStarted',
  PRESHOW: 'preshow',
  LIVE: 'live',
  CLOSED: 'closed'


Handles interaction with the events database using the following methods.

getEvents              =>  Get the list of events by admin
create                 =>  Save an event
update                 =>  Updates an event
deleteEvent            =>  Deletes an event
getEvent               =>  Get a particular Event
deleteEventsByAdminId  =>  Delete events by AdminId
getEventByKey          =>  Get a particular Event by primary key <slug, adminId>
changeStatus           =>  Change status of an event.
startArchive           =>  Starts archive
stopArchive            =>  Stops archive
createTokenProducer    =>  Create the tokens for the producer, and returns also the event data
createTokenHostCeleb   =>  Create the token for the host or celebrity, and returns also the event data
getEventBySessionId    =>  Get a particular Event by sessionId
createTokensFan        =>  Create the tokens for the fan, and returns also the event data
getMostRecentEvent     =>  Get the last event that is `live` or `preshow`
createTokenByUserType  =>  Get credentials for the last event that is `live` or `preshow`
getEventsByAdmin       =>  Get the list of events by admin for mobile apps without token


Initializes the app with a service account, granting admin privileges.

  databaseURL: config.firebaseDatabaseURL,
  credential: firebase.credential.cert(serviceAccountCredentials)

It implements the verifyIdToken method that verifies an IdToken with firebase

const verifyIdToken = async (idToken) => {
  try {
    const decodedToken = await firebase.auth().verifyIdToken(idToken);
    return decodedToken.user_id;
  } catch (error) {
    return null;

and also exposes a file method which utilizes the google cloud storage API to interact with files in firebase storage.


This service is in charge of managing OpenTok tokens and archiving using the following methods:

createSession => Returns a new OpenTok session, along with the corresponding OpenTok API key.
createToken   => Creates an OpenTok token
startArchive  => Starts the archiving and returns the archiveId
stopArchive   => Starts the archiving and returns the archiveId
otRoles       => Array containing the user roles
getAdmins     => Gets the list of admins
getAdmin      => Gets a particular Admin from firebase
createAdmin   => Creates an admin
createUser    => Creates an user in firebase-admin
updateUser    => Updates an user in firebase-admin
updateAdmin   => Updates an admin
deleteAdmin   => Deletes an admin in firebase-admin
deleteUser    => Deletes an user in firebase-admin


The Interactive Broadcasting Solution Backend uses the validation.js middleware to convert the OpenTok data to a json format imeplementing the following API methods:

validateApiKey  => Checks if the `APIKey` and `APISecret` are valid.
validateEvent   => Validates if the event already exsists by comparing the event id with the existing events
checkAdmin      => Check the role of the user is Admin, if not returns an authentication error.
checkFan        => Similar to `checkAdmin`, checks if the role of an user is Fan
checkCelebHost  => Similar to `checkAdmin`, checks if the role of an user is Celebrity or Host

Development and Contributing

Interested in contributing? We :heart: pull requests! See the Contribution guidelines.

Getting Help

We love to hear from you so if you have questions, comments or find a bug in the project, let us know! You can either:

Further Reading