openzim / python-libzim

Libzim binding for Python: read/write ZIM files in Python
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Use SPDX license identifier in #60

Closed legoktm closed 4 years ago

legoktm commented 4 years ago


rgaudin commented 4 years ago

I think it would have been wise to share some information on this. I am not familiar with SPDX and had to dig that.

What's the rationale for the change? I see that there is no PEP yet and that details are still being discussed now regarding how to actually express this.

So my questions are:

legoktm commented 4 years ago

I think it would have been wise to share some information on this. I am not familiar with SPDX and had to dig that. ... So my questions are:

  • Is PyPi recognizing it (it's free text but we're using a string that's recognized) now?

  • What's the benefit of doing that?

Sorry about that. In short, SPDX is a standardized way of referring to free software licenses using short IDs to make it easier for automated tools (and honestly humans too) to determine what the intended license is.

Also, while it isn't a problem in this case, I've run into enough cases where people forgot the + to indicate "or later" in the license. The FSF also prefers using -or-later.

For me, I use various automated tools (e.g. licensecheck) when reviewing packages for license compatibility while packaging them in Debian. Using SPDX identifiers everywhere just makes it more likely that those tools get it right.

Even if PyPI hasn't adopted/recommended SPDX identifiers yet, I think it's still a good idea, and likely to happen eventually anyways, given that everyone else (composer, npm, cargo, ...) has adopted them.

rgaudin commented 4 years ago

OK, then maybe fix the license classifier in same commit

License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)
legoktm commented 4 years ago
