openzim / python-libzim

Libzim binding for Python: read/write ZIM files in Python
GNU General Public License v3.0
62 stars 22 forks source link
binding library libzim offline python webscraping


libzim module allows you to read and write ZIM files in Python. It provides a shallow python interface on top of the C++ libzim library.

It is primarily used in openZIM scrapers like sotoki or youtube2zim.

Build Status CodeFactor License: GPL v3 PyPI version PyPI - Python Version codecov


pip install libzim

Our PyPI wheels bundle a recent release of the C++ libzim and are available for the following platforms:

Wheels are available for CPython only (but can be built for Pypy).

Users on other platforms can install the source distribution (see Building below).


git clone && cd python-libzim
# hatch run test:coverage

See for additional details then Open a ticket or submit a Pull Request on Github 🤗!


Read a ZIM file

from libzim.reader import Archive
from import Query, Searcher
from libzim.suggestion import SuggestionSearcher

zim = Archive("test.zim")
print(f"Main entry is at {zim.main_entry.get_item().path}")
entry = zim.get_entry_by_path("home/fr")
print(f"Entry {entry.title} at {entry.path} is {entry.get_item().size}b.")

# searching using full-text index
search_string = "Welcome"
query = Query().set_query(search_string)
searcher = Searcher(zim)
search =
search_count = search.getEstimatedMatches()
print(f"there are {search_count} matches for {search_string}")
print(list(search.getResults(0, search_count)))

# accessing suggestions
search_string = "kiwix"
suggestion_searcher = SuggestionSearcher(zim)
suggestion = suggestion_searcher.suggest(search_string)
suggestion_count = suggestion.getEstimatedMatches()
print(f"there are {suggestion_count} matches for {search_string}")
print(list(suggestion.getResults(0, suggestion_count)))

Write a ZIM file

from libzim.writer import Creator, Item, StringProvider, FileProvider, Hint

class MyItem(Item):
    def __init__(self, title, path, content = "", fpath = None):
        self.path = path
        self.title = title
        self.content = content
        self.fpath = fpath

    def get_path(self):
        return self.path

    def get_title(self):
        return self.title

    def get_mimetype(self):
        return "text/html"

    def get_contentprovider(self):
        if self.fpath is not None:
            return FileProvider(self.fpath)
        return StringProvider(self.content)

    def get_hints(self):
        return {Hint.FRONT_ARTICLE: True}

content = """<html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>Web Page Title</title></head>
<body><h1>Welcome to this ZIM</h1><p>Kiwix</p></body></html>"""

item = MyItem("Hello Kiwix", "home", content)
item2 = MyItem("Bonjour Kiwix", "home/fr", None, "home-fr.html")

with Creator("test.zim").config_indexing(True, "eng") as creator:
    illustration = pathlib.Path("icon48x48.png").read_bytes()
    creator.add_illustration(48, illustration)
    for name, value in {
        "creator": "python-libzim",
        "description": "Created in python",
        "name": "my-zim",
        "publisher": "You",
        "title": "Test ZIM",
        "language": "eng",
        "date": "2024-06-30"

        creator.add_metadata(name.title(), value)

Thread safety

The reading part of the libzim is most of the time thread safe. Searching and creating part are not. libzim documentation

python-libzim disables the GIL on most of C++ libzim calls. You must prevent concurrent access yourself. This is easily done by wrapping all creator calls with a threading.Lock()

lock = threading.Lock()
with Creator("test.zim") as creator:

    # Thread #1
    with lock:

    # Thread #2
    with lock:

Type hints

libzim being a binary extension, there is no Python source to provide types information. We provide them as type stub files. When using pyright, you would normally receive a warning when importing from libzim as there could be discrepencies between actual sources and the (manually crafted) stub files.

You can disable the warning via reportMissingModuleSource = "none".


libzim package building offers different behaviors via environment variables

Variable Example Use case
LIBZIM_DL_VERSION 8.1.1 or 2023-04-14 Specify the C++ libzim binary version to download and bundle. Either a release version string or a date, in which case it downloads a nightly
USE_SYSTEM_LIBZIM 1 Uses LDFLAG and CFLAGS to find the libzim to link against. Resulting wheel won't bundle C++ libzim.
DONT_DOWNLOAD_LIBZIM 1 Disable downloading of C++ libzim. Place headers in include/ and libzim dylib/so in libzim/ if no using system libzim. It will be bundled in wheel.
PROFILE 0 Enable profile tracing in Cython extension. Required for Cython code coverage reporting.
SIGN_APPLE 1 Set to sign and notarize the extension for macOS. Requires following informations
APPLE_SIGNING_IDENTITY Developer ID Application: OrgName (ID) Required for signing on macOS
APPLE_SIGNING_KEYCHAIN_PATH /tmp/build.keychain Path to the Keychain containing the certificate to sign for macOS with
APPLE_SIGNING_KEYCHAIN_PROFILE build Name of the profile in the specified Keychain

Building on Windows

On Windows, built wheels needs to be fixed post-build to move the bundled DLLs (libzim and libicu) next to the wrapper (Windows does not support runtime path).

After building you wheel, run

python repair_win_wheel --wheel=dist/xxx.whl --destdir wheels\

Similarily, if you install as editable (pip install -e .), you need to place those DLLs at the root of the repo.

Move-Item -Force -Path .\libzim\*.dll -Destination .\


Default: downloading and bundling most appropriate libzim release binary
python3 -m build

Using system libzim (brew, debian or manually installed) - not bundled

# using system-installed C++ libzim
brew install libzim  # macOS
apt-get install libzim-devel  # debian
dnf install libzim-dev  # fedora
USE_SYSTEM_LIBZIM=1 python3 -m build --wheel

# using a specific C++ libzim
CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" \
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib" \
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib" \
python3 -m build --wheel

Other platforms

On platforms for which there is no official binary available, you'd have to compile C++ libzim from source first then either use DONT_DOWNLOAD_LIBZIM or USE_SYSTEM_LIBZIM.


GPLv3 or later, see LICENSE for more details.