Shared libraries that provide Zipkin integration with Azure services. Requires JRE 6 or later.
These components provide Zipkin Senders and Collectors which build off interfaces provided by the zipkin-reporter-java and zipkin projects.
Zipkin collectors receives and decodes span messages from a source. These spans are later stored.
Collector | Description |
Event Hub | An alternative to Kafka. |
In order to integrate with zipkin-server, you need to use properties launcher to load your collector (or sender) alongside the zipkin-server process.
To integrate a module with a Zipkin server, you need to:
Each module will also have different minimum variables that need to be set.
$ java -Dloader.path='eventhub.jar,eventhub.jar!/lib' -cp zipkin.jar org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher
If you cannot use our Docker image, you can still integrate yourself by downloading a couple jars. Here's an example of integrating the Azure Event Hub Collector.
For Windows users Powershell is recommended.
Download the latest released server as zipkin.jar:
cd /tmp
curl -sSL | bash -s
Download the latest released Event Hub module as eventhub.jar:
cd /tmp
curl -sSL | bash -s eventhub.jar
When you enable the "eventhub" profile, you can configure eventhub with short environment variables similar to other Zipkin integrations.
cd /tmp
EVENTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING=Endpoint=sb://< EventHub Address>;SharedAccessKeyName=<name>;SharedAccessKey=<key> \
EVENTHUB_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING=<connection string>;DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<yourAccountName>;AccountKey=<yourAccountKey> \
java -Dloader.path='eventhub.jar,eventhub.jar!/lib' -cp zipkin.jar org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher
NOTE: Make sure the parameters are defined in the same line or use environment variables
Below command for powershell users:
cd /tmp
EVENTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING=Endpoint=sb://< EventHub Address>;SharedAccessKeyName=<name>;SharedAccessKey=<key>
EVENTHUB_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING=<connection string>;DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<yourAccountName>;AccountKey=<yourAccountKey>
java '-Dloader.path=eventhub.jar,eventhub.jar!/lib' '' -cp zipkin.jar org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher