operator-framework / enhancements

Apache License 2.0
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Operator Framework Enhancements Tracking and Backlog

Enhancement tracking repository for Operator Framework.

Inspired by Kubernetes enhancements process.

This repository provides a rally point to discuss, debate, and reach consensus for how Operator Framework enhancements are introduced.

Enhancements may take multiple releases to ultimately complete and thus provide the basis of a community roadmap. Enhancements may be filed from anyone in the community, but require consensus from domain specific project maintainers in order to implement and accept into the release.

Is My Thing an Enhancement?

A rough heuristic for an enhancement is anything that:

It is unlikely to require an enhancement if it:

If you are not sure if the proposed work requires an enhancement, file an issue and ask!

When to Create a New Enhancement

Create an enhancement here once you:

Why are Enhancements Tracked

As the project evolves, its important that the Operator Framework community understands how we build, test, and document our work. Individually it is hard to understand how all parts of the system interact, but as a community we can lean on each other to build the right design and approach before getting too deep into an implementation.

When to Comment on an Enhancement Issue

Please comment on the enhancement issue to:

Please do not comment on the enhancement issue to: