optimeas / python-osf

Python Implementation for reading OSF files and streams
MIT License
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Python OSF Implementation

Package to read in data from OSF files. Supported OSF versions:

Setting up a virtual environment and installing the current master:


python -m venv venv
pip install .


python -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install .


Constructing a dataframe with the samples of two channels of an OSF file:

from libosf import read_file
import pandas as pd

channels = ['System.CPU.Uptime', 'System.Device.AppUptime']

with read_file('example.osf') as file:
    samples = file.get_samples(channels)
    data = {
            'value': samples[0],
            'ts_n': samples[1],
            'ch_index': samples[2]
    df = pd.DataFrame(data=data)


More examples showing how to use this package combined with numpy, pandas, matplotlib and more can be found under ./examples/.

Install dependencies before running:

pip install .[examples]
cd examples/
# generates a csv file with samples of "System.CPU.Uptime" at example.csv
python to_csv.py -i example.osf -c System.CPU.Uptime

Common commands for development tasks

Install editable development installation

  # install local development version
  pip install -e .

Run unit tests

  # install dependencies
  pip install .[tests]
  # run python unit tests

Build HTML documentation

  # install dependencies
  pip install .[docs]
  # build the html documentation
  cd docs/
  sphinx-build source/ build/html/

  # Alternatively, if "make" is available:
  make html