oracle-devrel / terraform-oci-cloudbricks-oke-cluster

OCI Cloud Bricks: Oracle Container (Kubernetes) Engine (OKE) - Cluster
Universal Permissive License v1.0
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OCI Cloud Bricks: Oracle Container (Kubernetes) Engine (OKE) - Cluster

License: UPL Quality gate


The following cloud brick enables you to create a decoupled Oracle Kubernetes Engine Cluster associated to a particular compartment and subnets

Reference Architecture

The following is the reference architecture associated to this brick

Reference Architecture

In this case, you can take advantage of the decoupled nature of the network compartment and the artifact compartment for cost tracking purposes.


Sample tfvar file

########## SAMPLE TFVAR FILE ##########
region           = "foo-region-1"
tenancy_ocid     = "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..abcdefg"
user_ocid        = "ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaabcdefg"
fingerprint      = "fo:oo:ba:ar:ba:ar"
private_key_path = "/absolute/path/to/api/key/your_api_key.pem"

oke_instance_compartment_name     = "MY_ARTIFACT_COMPARTMENT"
oke_network_compartment_name      = "MY_NETWORK_COMPARTMENT"
oke_vcn_display_name              = "MY_VCN"
oke_lbaas_network_subnet_name     = "My_Public_Subnet"
oke_endpoint_subnet_name          = "My_Public_Subnet"
oke_endpoint_is_public_ip_enabled = true
oke_availability_domain_map       = { "ad1" : "aBCD:foo-REGION-1-AD-1", "ad2" : "aBCD:foo-REGION-1-AD-2" , "ad2" : "aBCD:foo-REGION-1-AD-3" }
cluster_name                      = "my_k8_cluster"
k8s_version                       = "vX.Y.Z"
k8s_dashboard_enabled             = true
k8s_tiller_enabled                = true
########## SAMPLE TFVAR FILE ##########

Variable specific considerations

Sample provider

The following is the base provider definition to be used with this module

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.13.5"
provider "oci" {
  region       = var.region
  tenancy_ocid = var.tenancy_ocid
  user_ocid        = var.user_ocid
  fingerprint      = var.fingerprint
  private_key_path = var.private_key_path
  disable_auto_retries = "true"

provider "oci" {
  alias        = "home"
  region       = data.oci_identity_region_subscriptions.home_region_subscriptions.region_subscriptions[0].region_name
  tenancy_ocid = var.tenancy_ocid  
  user_ocid        = var.user_ocid
  fingerprint      = var.fingerprint
  private_key_path = var.private_key_path
  disable_auto_retries = "true"

Variable documentation


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.5


Name Version
oci 4.35.0
oci.home 4.35.0
random 3.1.0


No modules.


Name Type
oci_containerengine_cluster.oke_cluster resource
oci_identity_tag.release resource
oci_identity_tag_namespace.devrel resource
random_id.tag resource
oci_core_subnets.ENDPOINTSUBNET data source
oci_core_subnets.LBAASSUBNET data source
oci_core_vcns.VCN data source
oci_identity_compartments.COMPARTMENTS data source
oci_identity_compartments.NWCOMPARTMENTS data source
oci_identity_region_subscriptions.home_region_subscriptions data source


Name Description Type Default Required
cluster_name Defines the K8 Cluster Name any n/a yes
fingerprint API Key Fingerprint for user_ocid derived from public API Key imported in OCI User config any n/a yes
k8s_dashboard_enabled Defines if Kubernetes Dashboard is enabled for cluster bool false no
k8s_tiller_enabled Defines if Helm (Tiller) is enabled in cluster bool false no
k8s_version Declares K8 Version any n/a yes
oke_availability_domain_map The name of the availability domain in which this node is placed map(any) n/a yes
oke_endpoint_is_public_ip_enabled Determines if OKE Control Plane is located on public or private subnet any n/a yes
oke_endpoint_subnet_name Determines the subnet where the control plane API will be located at string "" no
oke_instance_compartment_id Defines the compartment OCID where the infrastructure will be created string "" no
oke_instance_compartment_name Defines the compartment name where the infrastructure will be created string "" no
oke_lbaas_network_subnet_name Describes the display name of the subnet where LBaaS Components will be alocated by resource orchestrator any n/a yes
oke_network_compartment_name Defines the compartment where the Network is currently located any n/a yes
oke_vcn_display_name Defines the display name of the VCN where cluster will allocate LBaaS Ingress Controller components any n/a yes
private_key_path Private Key Absolute path location where terraform is executed any n/a yes
region Target region where artifacts are going to be created any n/a yes
tenancy_ocid OCID of tenancy any n/a yes
user_ocid User OCID in tenancy any n/a yes


Name Description
cluster OKE Cluster details
oke_instance OKE Cluster Object for integration purposes


This project is open source. Please submit your contributions by forking this repository and submitting a pull request! Oracle appreciates any contributions that are made by the open source community.


Copyright (c) 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Licensed under the Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0.

See LICENSE for more details.