oracle / coherence

Oracle Coherence Community Edition
Universal Permissive License v1.0
427 stars 70 forks source link
caching cloud clustering coherence data-grid distributed hpc imdg in-memory java kv-store microservices polyglot scalability

CI Build Maven Central License

Oracle Coherence Community Edition


  1. Introduction
  2. Downloading Coherence Community Edition
  3. Coherence Overview
  4. Getting Started
    1. Install the Coherence CLI
    2. Create a Cluster
    3. CohQL Console
    4. Coherence Console
    5. Code Example
  5. Building
  6. Documentation
  7. Examples
  8. Contributing
  9. License


Coherence is a scalable, fault-tolerant, cloud-ready, distributed platform for building grid-based applications and reliably storing data. The product is used at scale, for both compute and raw storage, in a vast array of industries such as critical financial trading systems, high performance telecommunication products and eCommerce applications.

Typically these deployments do not tolerate any downtime and Coherence is chosen due to its novel features in death detection, application data evolvability, and the robust, battle-hardened core of the product that enables it to be seamlessly deployed and adapted within any ecosystem.

At a high level, Coherence provides an implementation of the familiar Map<K,V> interface but rather than storing the associated data in the local process it is partitioned (or sharded) across a number of designated remote nodes. This partitioning enables applications to not only distribute (and therefore scale) their storage across multiple processes, machines, racks, and data centers but also to perform grid-based processing to truly harness the CPU resources of the machines.

The Coherence interface NamedMap<K,V> (an extension of Map<K,V>) provides methods to query, aggregate (map/reduce style) and compute (send functions to storage nodes for locally executed mutations) the data set. These capabilities, in addition to numerous other features, enable Coherence to be used as a framework for writing robust, distributed applications.

Downloading Coherence Community Edition

As Coherence is generally embedded into an application by using Coherence APIs, the natural place to consume this dependency is from Maven:


You can also get Coherence container images from the official GitHub Packages site. For other language clients, follow the links to C++, .NET, JavaScript, Go and Python. For commercial offerings, go to Oracle Technology Network.


First and foremost, Coherence provides a fundamental service that is responsible for all facets of clustering and is a common denominator / building block for all other Coherence services. This service, referred to as 'service 0' internally, ensures that the mesh of members is maintained and responsive, taking action to collaboratively evict, shun, or in some cases, voluntarily depart the cluster when deemed necessary. As members join and leave the cluster, other Coherence services are notified, thus enabling those services to react accordingly.

Note: This part of the Coherence product has been in production for more that 10 years, being the subject of some extensive and imaginative testing. While this feature has been discussed here, it certainly is not something that customers, generally, interact with directly, but is important to be aware of.

Coherence services build on top of the cluster service. The key implementations to be aware of are PartitionedService, InvocationService, and ProxyService.

In the majority of cases, customers deal with maps. A map is represented by an implementation of NamedMap<K,V>. A NamedMap is hosted by a service, generally the PartitionedService, and is the entry point to store, retrieve, aggregate, query, and stream data.

Coherence Maps provide a number of features:

Coherence also provides a number of non-functional features:

Getting Started


You must have the following installed and available on your PATH.

  1. Java - JDK 17 or higher
  2. Maven - 3.8.5 or higher
  3. Cohrence CLI Installed (see below)

The following example shows you how to quickly get started with Coherence using the Coherence CLI to create a 3 node Coherence cluster scoped to you local machine. You will then access data using the CohQL and Coherence consoles.

Install the Coherence CLI

For macOS or Linux platforms, use the following to install the latest version of the CLI:

curl -sL | bash

When you install the CLI, administrative privileges are required as the cohctl executable is moved to the /usr/local/bin directory.

For Windows, see here for installation guide.

Create and start a Cluster

Use the following command to create a 3 node Coherence cluster called my-cluster, scoped to your local machine using the default of Coherence CE 22.06.8.

$ cohctl create cluster my-cluster

Cluster name:         my-cluster
Cluster version:      22.06.8
Cluster port:         7574
Management port:      30000
Replica count:        3
Initial memory:       128m
Persistence mode:     on-demand
Group ID:   
Additional artifacts:
Startup Profile:      
Dependency Tool:      mvn
Are you sure you want to create the cluster with the above details? (y/n) y

Checking 3 Maven dependencies...
- org.jline:jline:3.25.0
Starting 3 cluster members for cluster my-cluster
Starting cluster member storage-0...
Starting cluster member storage-1...
Starting cluster member storage-2...
Current context is now my-cluster
Cluster added and started

Note: If you do not have the Maven artefacts locally, it may take a short while to download them from Maven central.

Once the cluster is created, wait it a couple of seconds, and use the following command to see the members.

$ cohctl get members

Using cluster connection 'my-cluster' from current context.

Total cluster members: 3
Cluster Heap - Total: 384 MB Used: 114 MB Available: 270 MB (70.3%)
Storage Heap - Total: 128 MB Used: 16 MB Available: 112 MB (87.5%)

      1  /  55654    58270  storage-1  CoherenceServer  true       128 MB      16 MB      112 MB
      2  /  55655    58271  storage-2  CoherenceServer  true       128 MB      74 MB       54 MB
      3  /  55656    58269  storage-0  CoherenceServer  true       128 MB      24 MB      104 MB

Note: If you do not see the above, then ensure the java executable is on your PATH, you are using JDK17, and then issue cohctl start cluster my-cluster to start the cluster.

CohQL Console

Start the CohQL Console using the CLI, and run the statements at the CohQL> prompt to insert data into your cache.

$ cohctl start cohql

CohQL> select * from welcomes

CohQL> insert into welcomes key 'english' value 'Hello'

CohQL> insert into welcomes key 'spanish' value 'Hola'

CohQL> insert into welcomes key 'french' value 'Bonjour'

CohQL> select key(), value() from welcomes
["french", "Bonjour"]
["english", "Hello"]
["spanish", "Hola"]

CohQL> bye

# Restart to CohQL to show that the data is still present in the Coherence cluster.

$ cohctl start cohql

CohQL> select key(), value() from welcomes
["french", "Bonjour"]
["english", "Hello"]
["spanish", "Hola"]

CohQL> bye

Coherence Console

Use the following command to start the Coherence console, which is a different way to interact with the data in a Cache.

$ cohctl start console

Map (?): cache welcomes

Map (welcomes): get english

Map (welcomes): list
french = Bonjour
spanish = Hola
english = Hello

Map (welcomes): put australian Gudday

Map (welcomes): list
spanish = Hola
english = Hello
australian = Gudday
french = Bonjour

Map (welcomes): bye

Shutdown your Cluster

Note: Ensure you shutdown your Coherence cluster using the following:

cohctl stop cluster my-cluster

Programmatic Hello Coherence Example

The following example illustrates starting a storage enabled Coherence server, followed by running the HelloCoherence application. The HelloCoherence application inserts and retrieves data from the Coherence server.

Build HelloCoherence

  1. Create a maven project either manually or by using an archetype such as maven-archetype-quickstart
  2. Add a dependency to the pom file:
  3. Copy and paste the following source to a file named src/main/java/

    public class HelloCoherence
        // ----- static methods -------------------------------------------------
        public static void main(String[] asArgs)
            NamedMap<String, String> map = CacheFactory.getCache("welcomes");
            System.out.printf("Accessing map \"%s\" containing %d entries\n",
            map.put("english", "Hello");
            map.put("spanish", "Hola");
            map.put("french" , "Bonjour");
            // list
  4. Compile the maven project:
    mvn package
  5. Start a Storage Server
    mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="" &
  6. Run HelloCoherence
    mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="HelloCoherence"
  7. Confirm you see output including the following:
    Accessing map "welcomes" containing 3 entries
    ConverterEntry{Key="french", Value="Bonjour"}
    ConverterEntry{Key="spanish", Value="Hola"}
    ConverterEntry{Key="english", Value="Hello"}
  8. Kill the storage server started previously:
    kill %1


$> git clone
$> cd coherence/prj

# build Coherence module
$> mvn clean install

# build Coherence module skipping tests
$> mvn clean install -DskipTests

# build all other modules skipping tests
$> mvn -Pmodules clean install -DskipTests

# build specific module, including all dependent modules and run tests
$> mvn -Pmodules -am -pl test/functional/persistence clean verify

# only build coherence.jar without running tests
$> mvn -am -pl coherence clean install -DskipTests

# only build coherence.jar and skip compilation of CDBs and tests
$> mvn -am -pl coherence clean install -DskipTests -Dtde.compile.not.required


Oracle Coherence Documentation

Oracle Coherence product documentation is available here.

Features Not Included in Coherence Community Edition

The following Oracle Coherence features are not included in Coherence Community Edition:

Below is an overview of features supported in each Coherence edition for comparison purposes:

Please refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Licensing Documentation for official documentation of Oracle Coherence commercial editions and licensing details.


Examples related to Coherence features are located under examples directory of this repository.


This project welcomes contributions from the community. Before submitting a pull request, please review our contribution guide


Please consult the security guide for our responsible security vulnerability disclosure process


Copyright (c) 2000, 2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Released under the Universal Permissive License v1.0 as shown at