oracle / terraform-kubernetes-installer

Terraform Installer for Kubernetes on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
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Terraform Kubernetes Installer for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

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The Kubernetes Installer for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provides a Terraform-based Kubernetes installation for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. It consists of a set of Terraform modules and an example base configuration that is used to provision and configure the resources needed to run a highly available and configurable Kubernetes cluster on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

Cluster Overview

Terraform is used to provision the cloud infrastructure and any required local resources for the Kubernetes cluster including:

OCI Infrastructure

Cluster Configuration

Terraform uses cloud-init scripts to handle the instance-level configuration for instances in the Control Plane to configure:

The Terraform scripts also accept a number of other input variables to choose instance shapes (including GPU) and how they are placed across the availability domain (ADs), etc. If your requirements extend beyond the base configuration, the modules can be used to form your own customized configuration.


  1. Download and install Terraform (v0.10.3 or later)
  2. Download and install the OCI Terraform Provider (v2.0.0 or later)
  3. Create an Terraform configuration file at ~/.terraformrc that specifies the path to the OCI provider:
    providers {
    oci = "<path_to_provider_binary>/terraform-provider-oci"
  4. Ensure you have Kubectl installed if you plan to interact with the cluster locally
Optionally create separate IAM resources for OCI plugins

The OCI Cloud Controller Manager (CCM) and Volume Provisioner (VP) enables Kubernetes to dynamically provision OCI resources such as Load Balancers and Block Volumes as a part of pod and service creation. In order to facilitate this, OCI credentials and OCID information are automatically stored in the cluster as a Kubernetes Secret.

By default, the credentials of the user creating the cluster is used. However, in some cases, it makes sense to use a more restricted set of credentials whose policies are limited to a particular set of resources within the compartment.

To Terraform separate IAM users, groups, and policy resources, run the terraform plan and terraform apply commands from the identity directory and set the appropriate input variables relating to your custom users, fingerprints, and key paths.

Quick start

Customize the configuration

Create a terraform.tfvars file in the project root that specifies your configuration.

# start from the included example
$ cp terraform.example.tfvars terraform.tfvars

Deploy the cluster

Initialize Terraform:

$ terraform init

View what Terraform plans do before actually doing it:

$ terraform plan

Use Terraform to Provision resources and stand-up k8s cluster on OCI:

$ terraform apply

Access the cluster

The Kubernetes cluster will be running after the configuration is applied successfully and the cloud-init scripts have been given time to finish asynchronously. Typically, this takes around 5 minutes after terraform apply and will vary depending on the overall configuration, instance counts, and shapes.

A working kubeconfig can be found in the ./generated folder or generated on the fly using the kubeconfig Terraform output variable.

Your network access settings determine whether your cluster is accessible from the outside. See Accessing the Cluster for more details.

Verify the cluster:

If you've chosen to configure a public cluster, you can do a quick and automated verification of your cluster from your local machine by running the located in the scripts directory. Note that this script requires your KUBECONFIG environment variable to be set (above), and SSH and HTTPs access to be open to etcd and worker nodes.

To temporarily open access SSH and HTTPs access for, add the following to your terraform.tfvars file:

# warning: is wide open. remember to undo this.
etcd_ssh_ingress = ""
master_ssh_ingress = ""
worker_ssh_ingress = ""
master_https_ingress = ""
worker_nodeport_ingress = ""
$ scripts/
[] Running some basic checks on Kubernetes cluster....
[]   Checking ssh connectivity to each node...
[]   Checking whether instance bootstrap has completed on each node...
[]   Checking Flannel's etcd key from each node...
[]   Checking whether expected system services are running on each node...
[]   Checking status of /healthz endpoint at each k8s master node...
[]   Checking status of /healthz endpoint at the LB...
[]   Running 'kubectl get nodes' a number of times through the master LB...

The Kubernetes cluster is up and appears to be healthy.
Kubernetes master is running at
KubeDNS is running at
kubernetes-dashboard is running at

Deploy a simple load-balanced application with shared volumes

Check out the example application deployment for a walk through of deploying a simple application that leverages both the Cloud Controller Manager and Flexvolume Driver plugins.

Scale, upgrade, or delete the cluster

Check out the example cluster operations for details on how to use Terraform to scale, upgrade, replace, or delete your cluster.

Known issues and limitations


Tests run automatically on every commit to the main branch. Additionally, the tests should be run against any pull-request before it is merged.

See Testing for details.


This project is open source. Oracle appreciates any contributions that are made by the open source community.

See Contributing for details.