oraclesean / cloud-native-oracle

A repository of container image builds for Oracle databases, with support for Intel, Apple Silicon, and ARM processors.
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cloud-native cloud-native-database container container-image containers docker docker-image oracle oracle-database oracle-database-19c oracle-database-docker


A repository of container image builds for Oracle databases, with support for Intel, Apple Silicon, and ARM processors.

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Build an image

One reason behind this repo was reducing duplication. I wanted one set of scripts (not one-per-version) and less maintenance. That created a need for more than one Dockerfile (one per version) because building 11g and 21c images is mostly boilerplate, but not entirely, and Dockerfiles don't take variables. This repo solves that by taking boilerplate Dockerfile templates, processing them to substitute variables, and using them for the build. Named Dockerfiles enable matching .dockerignore files to limit context. But, every version still needs a unique Dockerfile. Rather than polluting the directory with versioned Dockerfiles run directly with docker build I'm hiding the complexity with temporary files and a shell script. Version and edition information passed to the script generates temporary Dockerfile and .dockerignore files, runs docker build, then deletes the temporary file.

This is a temporary workaround. I'm working on integrating new capabilities but until then, manages Dockerfiles and builds.

Build options and examples

To build a database image, run and pass optional values:

./ [Options]
        --build-arg stringArray     Set build-time variables
    -d, --debug                     Turn on build debugging
    -e, --edition string            Set the database edition
                                        EE: Enterprise Edition (Default)
                                        SE: Standard Edition
                                        XE: Express Edition (Versions, 18.4, 23.1.0 only)
        --force-patch string        Force patch download from MOS
                                        all: Re-download all patches during install
                                        opatch: Re-download opatch only
                                        patch: Re-download patches but not opatch
        --force-rm                  Force-remove build cache
    -k, --dockerfile-keep           Keep the dynamically generated Dockerfile after build completion
    -n, --image-name string         Repository name for the completed image (Default: oracle/db)
        --no-cache                  Do not use cache when building the image
        --no-sum                    Do not perform file checksums
        --progress string           Display build progress
                                        auto (Default)
                                        plain: Show container output
                                        tty: Show abbreviated output
        --prune-cache               Prune build cache on success
    -q, --quiet                     Suppress build output
    -r, --force-rebuild             Force rebuild the base Linux image if it exists
        --read-only-home            Configure a Read-Only Oracle Home
        --remove-components string  Comma-delimited list of components to remove
                                    Options: DBMA,HELP,ORDS,OUI,PATCH,PILOT,SQLD,SUP,UCP,TCP,ZIP
                                    Default is all of the above
        --rpm stringArray           Comma-delimited list of binaries/libraries to install
                                        Default: bash-completion,git,less,strace,tree,vi,which
        --secret string             File name containing MOS credentials for patch download
    -S, --source-image string       Source OS image repository (Default: oraclelinux)
    -T, --source-tag string         Source OS tag (Default: 8-slim)
    -t, --tag string                Tag for the completed image (Default: [ORACLE_VERSION]-[ORACLE_EDITION])
    -v, --version string            Oracle Database version (Default: 19.19)
                                    The version must exist in the manifest file within the ./config directory
    -h, --help                      This menu

Images created by the script are named as: [repository]:[version]-[edition] It additionally creates a version-specific Linux image: [source]-[tag]-[base_version] where the base version is 11g, 12.1, 12.2, 18c, 19c, or 21c. This Linux image includes the database prerequisites for the given version and makes building multiple database images for the same database version faster. The majority of the build time is spent applying prerequisite RPMs. The build understands if a version-ready image is present and uses it.

Build example: Macs with Apple Silicon/ARM Systems

The only database currently supported for ARM architectures is Oracle 19.19.

Build example: Intel-based systems (Linux, Mac, Windows)

All database versions are supported.

Note for OSX users

The default /bin/bash on OSX is 3.2, and the natively installed version of getopt is not GNU-compatible, meaning you won't be able to pass any parameters to the build script. To get around this limitation, install bash and gnu-getopt via brew:

brew update
brew install bash
brew install gnu-getopt

Add the following line to your $HOME/.bash_profile to pre-empt the default getopt (replace the path to gnu-getopt if brew installs to a different location on your system):

export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-getopt/bin:$PATH"

Then, source $HOME/.bash_profile and confirm that getopt -V returns the version (and not --).

As a workaround, edit the script and hardcode the options that would be set interactively.

FORCE_PATCH and .netrc

When a '.netrc file is present, the FORCE_PATCH build argument enables patch downloads from My Oracle Support. Patches are downloaded when:

FORCE_PATCH may have multiple options, separated by commas:

Pass the FORCE_PATCH value to docker build as --build-arg FORCE_PATCH=<value_1>(,<value_2>,<value_n>)

The .netrc file is passed to the build process in an intermediate stage as a build secret. It is not copied to the final database image.

Run a container

Run database containers as you would normally, using docker run [options] [image-name].

Run options and examples

Options are controlled by environment variables set via the docker run -e flag:

Create a non-container database: docker run -d -e PDB_COUNT=0 IMG_NAME

Create a container database with custom SID and PDB name: docker run -d -e ORACLE_SID=mysid -e ORACLE_PDB=mypdb IMG_NAME

Create a container database with a default SID and three PDB named mypdb[1,2,3]: docker run -d -e PDB_COUNT=3 -e ORACLE_PDB=mypdb IMG_NAME

Create a container database with custom SID and named PDB: docker run -d -e ORACLE_SID=mydb -e PDB_LIST="test,dev,prod" IMG_NAME

Users running ARM/Apple Silicon do not need to do anything differently. On ARM/Apple Silicon, the build process creates an architecture-native image that runs without needing any special commands or virtualization (Colima, etc).

Example for Apple Silicon

This is an example of the output seen on a 2021 Apple MacBook Pro (M1, 16GB RAM, Ventura 13.4.1, Docker version 23.0.0, build e92dd87c32):

# ./
[+] Building 51.6s (8/8) FINISHED                                                   docker:desktop-linux
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                   0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                     0.0s
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile.oraclelinux.202307031409.jTxd                  0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 1.55kB                                                              0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for                               1.3s
 => [internal] load build context                                                                   0.0s
 => => transferring context: 45.06kB                                                                0.0s
 => CACHED [1/3] FROM          0.0s
 => => resolve          0.0s
 => [2/3] COPY /opt/scripts/                                                        0.0s
 => [3/3] RUN chmod ug+x /opt/scripts/ &&      /opt/scripts/         48.7s
 => exporting to image                                                                              1.5s
 => => exporting layers                                                                             1.5s
 => => writing image sha256:6cdb5ddeb9d8ffbfcaeba0cb1fad0c003dbffc3cd77b204a8ddc60292e184b          0.0s
 => => naming to                                           0.0s
[+] Building 193.8s (21/21) FINISHED                                                docker:desktop-linux
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                   0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                     0.0s
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile.db.202307031410.NUni                           0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 5.11kB                                                              0.0s
 => resolve image config for                                        0.9s
 => CACHED docker-image://          0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for                           0.0s
 => [db 1/6] FROM                                          0.0s
 => [internal] load build context                                                                  38.5s
 => => transferring context: 2.42GB                                                                38.5s
 => [db 2/6] COPY --chown=oracle:oinstall      /opt/scripts/                        0.6s
 => [stage-1 2/9] COPY --chown=oracle:oinstall ./config/dbca.*        /opt/install/                 0.6s
 => [stage-1 3/9] COPY --chown=oracle:oinstall ./config/*.tmpl        /opt/install/                 0.0s
 => [db 3/6] COPY --chown=oracle:oinstall ./config/inst.*     /opt/install/                         0.0s
 => [db 4/6] COPY --chown=oracle:oinstall ./config/manifest.* /opt/install/                         0.0s
 => [stage-1 4/9] COPY --chown=oracle:oinstall         /opt/scripts/                0.0s
 => [db 5/6] COPY --chown=oracle:oinstall ./database/         /opt/install/                         6.3s
 => [db 6/6] RUN  chmod ug+x /opt/scripts/ &&      /opt/scripts/manageOracl         98.9s
 => [stage-1 5/9] COPY --chown=oracle:oinstall --from=db /u01/app/oraInventory  /u01/app/o          0.0s
 => [stage-1 6/9] COPY --chown=oracle:oinstall --from=db /u01/app/oracle /u01/app/oracle           18.6s
 => [stage-1 7/9] COPY --chown=oracle:oinstall --from=db /opt/oracle/oradata     /opt/orac          0.0s
 => [stage-1 8/9] RUN  /opt/scripts/ -R                                              0.5s
 => [stage-1 9/9] WORKDIR /home/oracle                                                              0.0s
 => exporting to image                                                                             17.6s
 => => exporting layers                                                                            17.6s
 => => writing image sha256:4874efbbfe1cfb271e314ed8d6d0773e5a270d1a0b789861af76e59d4b6f82          0.0s
 => => naming to                                                   0.0s

Total build time was 245.4 seconds. After building the image:

# docker images
REPOSITORY      TAG          IMAGE ID       CREATED             SIZE
oraclesean/db   19.19-EE     4874efbbfe1c   About an hour ago   5.87GB
oraclelinux     8-slim-19c   6cdb5ddeb9d8   About an hour ago   690MB

The ARM image size is about 2GB smaller than its corresponding Intel-based image.

Here's an example of running a network and container, with volumes defined for data, database logs, the audit directory, and a scripts directory.

Create a network (optional)

This creates a network called oracle-db. This step is optional; if you elect to not create a network here, be sure to remove the network assignment from the docker run command.

docker network create oracle-db --attachable --driver bridge

Set the container name and data path

Set a name for the container and a path to mount bind volumes.


Create volumes

I cannot overemphasize the value of volumes for Oracle databases. They persist data outside the container and make data independent of the container itself. Putting volatile directories outside the container's filesystem improves performance. And, volumes don't "hide" data in the /var/lib/docker directory of the virtual machine. You have better visibility into space use, and you're far less likely to fill the VM's disk.

Create a script directory (optional)

This creates a shared directory in the container for saving/sharing files between container and host. If you bypass this step, be sure to remove the corresponding definition from the docker run command later.

mkdir -p $ORADATA/scripts

Create the audit, data, and diagnostic directories

This creates separate subdirectories for each file type and bind mounts them to Docker volumes. Assigning them to Docker volumes means they're visible in the Docker Desktop tool, as well as through the CLI via docker volume ls and other commands.

 for dir in audit data diag reco
  do mkdir -p $ORADATA/${CONTAINER_NAME}/${dir}
     rm -fr $ORADATA/${CONTAINER_NAME}/${dir}/*
     docker volume rm ${CONTAINER_NAME}_${dir} 2>/dev/null
     docker volume create --opt type=none --opt o=bind \
            --opt device=$ORADATA/${CONTAINER_NAME}/${dir} \

Remove the container (if it already exists)

If you created a container by the same name, remove it before recreating it.

docker rm -f $CONTAINER_NAME 2>/dev/null

Create the container

In the following command, I'm creating a container named $CONTAINER_NAME, then:

Add or remove options as you see fit.

Monitor the database creation and logs

View the database activity:

docker logs -f $CONTAINER_NAME

Sample output from a database:

# docker logs -f $CONTAINER_NAME

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  Oracle password for SYS, SYSTEM and PDBADMIN: HB#K_xhkwM_O10
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  runDBCA: Running DBCA for database ARM at 2023-07-03 20:16:05
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 03-JUL-2023 20:16:05

Copyright (c) 1991, 2023, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Starting /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1/bin/tnslsnr: please wait...

TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
System parameter file is /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1/network/admin/listener.ora
Log messages written to /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/96bb65f2a1b7/listener/alert/log.xml

Alias                     LISTENER
Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
Start Date                03-JUL-2023 20:16:06
Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 0 sec
Trace Level               off
Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication
SNMP                      OFF
Listener Parameter File   /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1/network/admin/listener.ora
Listener Log File         /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/96bb65f2a1b7/listener/alert/log.xml
Listening Endpoints Summary...
Services Summary...
Service "ARM" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "ARM", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  runDBCA: Creating container database ARM and 3 pluggable database(s) with name ARMPDB at 2023-07-03 20:16:06
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
Prepare for db operation
8% complete
Copying database files
31% complete
Creating and starting Oracle instance
32% complete
36% complete
40% complete
43% complete
46% complete
Completing Database Creation
51% complete
54% complete
Creating Pluggable Databases
58% complete
63% complete
68% complete
77% complete
Executing Post Configuration Actions
100% complete
Database creation complete. For details check the logfiles at:
Database Information:
Global Database Name:ARM
System Identifier(SID):ARM
Look at the log file "/u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/ARM/ARM.log" for further details.

Pluggable database altered.

Pluggable database altered.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  runDBCA: DBCA complete at 2023-07-03 20:26:37
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  Database ARM with unique name ARM is open and available.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  Tailing alert_ARM.log:
alter pluggable database all open
Completed: alter pluggable database all open
alter pluggable database all save state
Completed: alter pluggable database all save state

Database creation took about 10 minutes; note that this output is for a CDB with three Pluggable Databases (PDB).

Directory Structure

Three subdirectories contain the majority of assets and configuration needed by images.


Here you'll find version-specific files and configuration, including:

Additional template files exist in this directory (I will eventually move them to the template directory for consistency). There are three categories:

./database and ./database/patches

All database and patch files go here. I redesigned the file structure of this repo in March 2022 to use a common directory for all software. Eliminating versioned subdirectories simplified file management and eliminated file duplication.

I previously supported versioning at the directory and Dockerfile level. It required a 19.13 directory (or a 19c directory and a 19.13 subdirectory), a dedicated Dockerfile, Dockerfile.19.13, and a matching docker ignore file, Dockerfile.19.13.dockerignore. But all 19c versions use the same .zip/.rpm for installation. docker build reads everything in the current directory and its subdirectories into its context prior to performing the build. It doesn't support links. So, to build 19.13 meant I had to have a copy of the 19c base installation media in each subdirectory. Implementation of .dockerignore requires the Dockerfile and its ignore file to have matching names. So, to limit context (preventing docker build from reading every file at/below the build directory) I had to have separate, identically-named Dockerfile/.dockerignore files for every version I wanted to build.

That duplication was something I set out to to avoid. I switched instead to a dynamic build process that reads context from a common directory, using .dockerignore to narrow its scope. The advantage is having one directory and one copy for all software.

Combining this design with a manifest file means I no longer need to move patches in and out of subdirectories to control the patch level of image builds, nor worry about placing them in numbered folders to manage the apply order. Add the file to the appropriate directory (database or database/patch) and include an entry in the version manifest.


Dynamic builds run from the Dockerfile templates in this directory and create two images: a database image and a database-ready Oracle Linux image.

The Oracle Enterprise Linux image, tagged with the database version, includes all database version prerequisites (notably the database preinstall RPM). The same image works for any database version installed atop it, and installing the prereqs (at least on my system) takes longer than installing database software. Rather than duplicating that work, the build looks to see if the image is present and starts there. If not, it builds the OEL image.

Do not be confused by output like this:

oraclelinux   7-slim-19c   442MB
oraclelinux   7-slim       133MB
oracle/db     19.13.1-EE   7.58GB

The total size of these images is not 442MB + 133MB + 7.58GB. Layers in the oraclelinux:7-slim are reused in the oraclelinux:7-slim-19c image, which are reused in the oracle/db:19.13.1-EE image.

The script reads these templates and creates temporary Dockerfiles and dockerignore files, using information in the manifest according to the version (and other information) passed to the script.

Why this Repo

I build and run many Oracle databases in containers. There were things I didn't like about Oracle's build scripts. My goals for this repository are:

There is one script to handle all operations, for all editions and versions. This adds some complexity to the script (it has to accommodate peculiarities of every version and edition) but:

The /opt/scripts/ script manages all Oracle/Docker operations, from build through installation:

Flexible Image Creation

Each Dockerfile uses a set of common ARG values. Defaults are set in each Dockerfile but can be overridden by passing --build-arg values to docker build. This allows a single Dockerfile to accommodate a wide range of build options without changes to any files, including:

Install Oracle from Archive (ZIP) or RPM

RPM builds operate a little differently. They have a dependency on root because database configuration and startup is managed through /etc/init.d. The configuration is in /etc/sysconfig. If left at their default (I have a repo for building default RPM-based Oracle installations elsewhere) they need root and pose a security risk. I experimented with workarounds (adding oracle to sudoers, changing the /etc/init.d script group to oinstall, etc) but RPM-created databases still ran differently.

I use the RPM to create the Oracle software home, then discard what's in /etc/init.d and /etc/sysconfig and create and start the database "normally" using DBCA and SQLPlus.

This allows additional options for RPM-based installations, including changing the directory structure (for non-18c XE installs—the 18c XE home does not include libraries needed to recompile) and managing configuration through the same mechanism as "traditional" installations, meaning anything that can be applied to a "normal" install can be set in a RPM-based installation, without editing a different set of files in /etc/sysconfig and ORACLE_HOME. Express Edition on 18c (18.4) can be extended to use:

Flexible Container Creation

I wanted images capable of running highly customizable database environments out of the gate, that mimic what's seen in real deployments. This includes running non-CDB databases, multiple pluggable databases, case-sensitive SID and PDB names, and custom PDB naming (to name a few). Database creation is controlled and customized by passing environment variables to docker run via -e VARIABLE=VALUE. Notable options include:

DEBUG mode

Debug image builds, container creation, or container operation.


Create a non-container database:
docker run -d -e PDB_COUNT=0 IMG_NAME
Create a container database with custom SID and PDB name:
docker run -d -e ORACLE_SID=mysid -e ORACLE_PDB=mypdb IMG_NAME
Create a container database with a default SID and three PDB named mypdb[1,2,3]:
docker run -d -e PDB_COUNT=3 -e ORACLE_PDB=mypdb IMG_NAME
Create a container database with custom SID and named PDB:
docker run -d -e ORACLE_SID=mydb -e PDB_LIST="test,dev,prod" IMG_NAME


ORACLE_PDB Behavior in Containers

There are multiple mechanisms that set the ORACLE_PDB variable in a container. It is set explicitly by passing a value (e.g. -e ORACLE_PDB=value) during docker run. This is the preferred way of doing things since it correctly sets the environment. The value may be set implicitly four ways:
