orbbec / OrbbecUnitySDK

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Depth Information and human body #3

Open noemis84 opened 2 months ago

noemis84 commented 2 months ago

hey there. today I got my Orbbec Astra 2 and started testing it. I bought it because of this video and need to detect humans in a certain area. Now after installing the orbbec sdk 1.1.9 I can't see none of these features. I even did't get a simple depth information from the scene.

Do I miss something or can you help to get for example the heads of humans in the field of view of the sensor? Or a realtime point cloud for something like a spatial motion sensor?

best regards Simeon

noemis84 commented 2 months ago

Or even simpler: how to get a grayscale image in unity, where black and white is mapped to the min max depth. Then I could do calculations with computer vision libaries myself...