orbbec / OrbbecUnitySDK

Apache License 2.0
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1. Overview

This document provides an introduction to the Orbbec SDK Unity Wrapper. The Orbbec SDK Unity Wrapper is designed and encapsulated based on the Orbbec SDK. It mainly implements data stream reception, device command control, and D2C functionality.
To ensure that users can correctly and efficiently integrate the Orbbec SDK Unity Wrapper SDK into their projects and prevent other issues caused by improper API calls, this document is drafted to standardize API usage.

2. Instructions for Using the Unity Wrapper SDK

2.1 SDK Import

Import the OrbbecSDK.unitypackage into Unity. The SDK has been verified to support Unity 2018.4 and above versions.

2.2 Basic Usage of the SDK

The Unity SDK mainly includes components such as OrbbecDevice, OrbbecSensor, and OrbbecPipeline.

3. Example Descriptions

After importing the unitypackage, you can see several sample scenes in the Orbbec/Scenes directory, including HelloOrbbec, ColorViewer, DepthViewer, IRViewer, SyncAlignViewer, SensorControl, RecordPlayback, IMUReader, and Pointcloud.

4. API Interface Introduction

If you want to implement more complex or flexible functionalities, you can directly call the C# interface. For specific details, please refer to the C# API manual. Most types in the C# API inherit the IDisposable interface, which means that they need to be disposed of by calling the Dispose method after use. Although these types are automatically released during garbage collection, it is still recommended to call this interface to release resources in a timely manner after use.

Supported hardware products

products list firmware version
Femto Bolt 1.0.6 (windows 10 unsupported android)
Femto Mega 1.1.7 (windows 10,unsupported android)
Gemini 2 XL Obox: V1.2.5 VL:1.4.54
Astra 2 2.8.20
Gemini 2 L 1.4.32
Gemini 2 1.4.60 /1.4.76
Astra+ 1.0.22/1.0.21/1.0.20/1.0.19
Femto 1.6.7
Femto W 1.1.8
DaBai 2436
DaBai DCW 2460
DaBai DW 2606
Astra Mini Pro 1007
Gemini E 3460
Gemini E Lite 3606
Gemini 3.0.18
Astra Mini S Pro 1.0.05