orbitalquark / textadept-lsp

Language server protocol client module for Textadept.
MIT License
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Language Server Protocol

A client for Textadept that communicates over the Language Server Protocol (LSP) with language servers in order to provide autocompletion, calltips, go to definition, and more. It implements version 3.17.0 of the protocol, but does not support all protocol features. The Server.new() function contains the client's current set of capabilities.

Install this module by copying it into your ~/.textadept/modules/ directory or Textadept's modules/ directory, and then putting the following in your ~/.textadept/init.lua:

local lsp = require('lsp')

You can then set up some language server commands. For example:

lsp.server_commands.cpp = 'clangd'
lsp.server_commands.go = 'gopls'

(For more example configurations, see the wiki.)

When either C++ or Go files are opened, their associated language servers are automatically started (one per project). Note that language servers typically require a root URI, so this module uses io.get_project_root() for this. If the file being opened is not part of a project recognized by Textadept, the language server will not be started.

Language Server features are available from the Tools > Language Server menu. Note that not all language servers may support the menu options.

Note: If you want to inspect the LSP messages sent back and forth, you can use the Lua command entry to set require('lsp').log_rpc = true. It doesn't matter if any LSPs are already active -- from this point forward all messages will be logged. View the log via the "Tools > Language Server > View Log" menu item.

Warning: Buggy language servers that do not respect the protocol may cause this module and Textadept to hang, waiting for a response. There is no recourse other than to force-quit Textadept and restart.

Lua Language Server

This module comes with a simple Lua language server that starts up when Textadept opens a Lua file, or whenever you request documentation for a symbol in the Lua command entry. The server looks in the project root for a .lua-lsp configuration file. That file can have the following fields:

For example:

ignore = {'.git', 'build', 'test'}
max_scan = 20000

Key Bindings

Windows and Linux macOS Terminal Command
Ctrl+Space ⌘Space
^Space Complete symbol
Ctrl+? ⌘?
Show documentation
F12 F12 F12 Go To Definition

‡: Windows terminal version only.

Fields defined by lsp


Emitted when an LSP connection has been initialized. This is useful for sending server-specific notifications to the server upon init via Server:notify(). Emitted by lsp.start(). Arguments:


Emitted when an LSP server emits an unhandled notification. This is useful for handling server-specific notifications. An event handler should return true. Arguments:


Emitted when an LSP server emits an unhandled request. This is useful for handling server-specific requests. Responses are sent using Server:respond(). An event handler should return true. Arguments:


The number of characters typed after which autocomplete is automatically triggered. The default value is nil, which disables this feature. A value greater than or equal to 3 is recommended to enable this feature.


Log RPC correspondence to the LSP message buffer. The default value is false.

lsp.server_commands <table>

Map of lexer names to LSP language server commands or configurations, or functions that return either a server command or a configuration. Commands are simple string shell commands. Configurations are tables with the following keys:


Whether or not to show all diagnostics if show_diagnostics is true. The default value is false, and assumes any diagnostics on the current line or next line are due to an incomplete statement during something like an autocompletion, signature help, etc. request.


Whether or not to automatically show completions when a trigger character is typed (e.g. '.'). The default value is true.


Whether or not to show diagnostics. The default value is true, and shows them as annotations.


Whether or not to automatically show symbol information via mouse hovering. The default value is true.


Whether or not to automatically show signature help when a trigger character is typed (e.g. '('). The default value is true.


Whether or not to allow completions to insert snippets instead of plain text, for language servers that support it. The default value is true.

Functions defined by lsp


Autocompleter function for a language server.


Requests autocompletion at the current position, returning true on success.


Searches for project references to the current symbol and prints them like "Find in Files".


Jumps to the declaration of the current symbol, returning whether or not a declaration was found.



Jumps to the definition of the current symbol, returning whether or not a definition was found.



Jumps to the implementation of the current symbol, returning whether or not an implementation was found.



Jumps to a symbol selected from a list based on project symbols that match the given symbol, or based on buffer symbols.



Jumps to the definition of the current type, returning whether or not a definition was found.



Shows a calltip with information about the identifier at the given or current position.



Selects or expands the selection around the current position.


Selects all instances of the symbol at the current position as multiple selections.


Shows a calltip for the current function. If a call tip is already shown, cycles to the next one if it exists unless specified otherwise.



Starts a language server based on the current language and project.



Stops a running language server based on the current language.