orbsmiv / rclone

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This is a set of scripts to package Rclone from scratch into a DroboApp, i.e., download sources, unpackage, compile, install, and package in a TGZ file. The master branch contains the Drobo5N version, the drobofs branch contains the DroboFS version.

I just want to install the DroboApp, what do I do?

Check the releases page. If there are no releases available, then you have to compile.

How to compile

The simplest way to compile is by using the DroboPorts-provided Docker container to perform the build:

docker run --rm --volume ~/dist:/dist droboports/compiler build https://github.com/orbsmiv/rclone

Once the .tgz file is in ~/dist, copy it to the following directory on the Drobo:


Finally, to install any tgz files in the above directory, execute the following command on the Drobo:

/usr/bin/DroboApps.sh install

First make sure that you have a working cross-compiling VM.

Log in the VM, pick a temporary folder (e.g., ~/build), and then do:

git clone https://github.com/droboports/unifi.git
cd unifi
ls -la *.tgz

Each invocation creates a log file with all the generated output.



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