orcfax / glossary

A repo to collaborate on technically accurate definitions for Orcfax domain components
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API #4

Open peterVG opened 3 months ago

peterVG commented 3 months ago

Application Programming Interface (API)

defintion: a way for two or more software components to communicate with each other defiintion: a software interface that offers services to another software component

peterVG commented 3 months ago

DM: the Orcfax datum is literally an API. The consumer's validator has at as input via reference inputs. A Google search defines API "as a contract of service between two applications" which is exactly what it is.

Christian-MK commented 1 month ago
@prefix : <http://glossary.orcfax.io/#> .
@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
    skos:prefLabel "API"@en;
    skos:definition '''
      A structured and predictable software interface which
      provides a contract between external software components
      for accessing data or services and better enabling
      inter-connectivity between components.
    ''' ;
    skos:altLabel "application programming interface ".
ross-spencer commented 1 month ago

a software interface that either services to another software component, or provides the ability for two or more software components to communicate with each other.

I might change this a little to be less active:

a structured and predictable software interface that provides a contract between external software components for accessing accessing data or services and better enabling inter-connectivity between components.