ordilabs / live

Ordi Labs Live
MIT License
8 stars 3 forks source link

Ordi Labs Live

Ordinals mempool viewer. View inscriptions before they're inscribed!


We use Docker to containerize all micro-services and you just need to run a few recipes (see below) to get your devbox up and running. When your systems prerequisites are already met, usually in under 15 minutes.


macos linux windows
Docker for Mac Docker TODO

first installation

git clone https://github.com/ordilabs/live live--ordilabs
cd live--ordilabs
just install

inscription watching

Run a local instance of Ordi Live after starting bitcoin core:

just watch

Open a browser http::// to new inscriptions hitting your mempool in real time


All micro-services are managed with 2 simple commands

just run-services
# just clean-services

Once they are running, you can start developing.

cp .env.sample .env # and uncomment the relevant lines
just watch # for changes, recompile rust/css, refresh frontend

additional commands

Once up and running you can perform dev tasks

just open # all .local domains in a browser

# inscribe-1-punk (into the mempool) then mine-1-block
just i1p m1b

# create temporary tunnel to expose your .local on the internet
just run-tunnel

see more commands with just -l

run live through Tor

socat can be used as a relay between the standard web and a hidden service on the Tor network.

Replace {onion-address} + {onion-port} with your data

TOR_ADDRESS={onion-address}.onion TOR_PORT={onion-port}

- Then you have two options:

   - Option A: Using Docker and `socator`

   just socator

known issues


Issue by running just run-services command:

Error response from daemon: invalid IP address in add-host: ""
error: Recipe `run-services` failed on line 34 with exit code 1

Quick fix (manually):

  # if someone has a better solution, be my guest
  cd docker && docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.monkey-patch-linux.yml up 
version: "3.7"


      # Replace {IP-ADDRESS} with your local IP address
      # e.g. "host.docker.internal.:" 
      - "host.docker.internal.:{IP-ADDRESS}"