oreillymedia / docbook2asciidoc

XSL for transforming DocBook to AsciiDoc
MIT License
61 stars 33 forks source link

This is a stylesheet for transforming DocBook 4.5 to http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/[AsciiDoc], originally started by https://github.com/bjepson[bjepson].

== Dependencies

This project has a http://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules[submodule] (https://github.com/oreillymedia/docbook2htmlbook). To clone down the repo with the submodule, use the ++--recursive++ flag:

git clone --recursive git@github.com:oreillymedia/docbook2htmlbook.git

If you don't use ++--recursive++ to clone, you'll need to initialize the subdirectory as a separate couple steps:

$ cd docbook2htmlbook $ git submodule init $ git submodule update

To update the submodule from then on, you can either cd into the subdirectory and pull, or you can run this command:

git submodule update --remote docbook2htmlbook

The XSLT is written in XSLT 2.0, so you'll need to run it with an XSLT 2.0 processor. You can use http://sourceforge.net/projects/saxon/files/Saxon-HE/9.2/saxonhe9-2-1-5j.zip/download[Saxon], which is included in this repo.

== Run It

Run a command like this on a consolidated DocBook file to output the AsciiDoc - use either d2a_docbook.xsl or d2a_htmlbook.xsl, depending on your project needs:

java -jar saxon9he.jar -s book.xml -o book.asciidoc d2a_docbook.xsl

If you'd like the AsciiDoc output to be "chunked" into separate files for each preface/chapter/appendix, add the parameter +chunk-output=true+:

java -jar saxon9he.jar -s book.xml -o book.asciidoc d2a_docbook.xsl chunk-output=true

Content within of the DocBook source will be output as XML to the filename specified in the parameter "bookinfo-doc-name". For example:

java -jar saxon9he.jar -s book.xml -o book.asciidoc d2a_docbook.xsl chunk-output=true bookinfo-doc-name="mybookinfo.xml"

Default value of "bookinfo-doc-name" is "book-docinfo.xml"

=== Other Parameter Options:

== Example

This example shows how to run this script for a subversion repository

First, you have to clone this repo so that you'll have the code.

$ git clone --recursive https://MakerPress@github.com/oreillymedia/docbook2asciidoc.git

Second, pull down the repo for the book you want:

$ svn checkout https://prod.oreilly.com/internal/books/9781449307110/

Third, make a new directory where the asciidoc files will go:

$ cd ~/Desktop $ mkdir test $ cd test

Finally, run the file command to convert the big docbook file into separate asciidoc files. Note that you'll need Java 1.5 [NEED TO CONFIRM VERSION] or higher. You'll also need to add hardcoded paths to the saxon jar file and to :

java -jar /Users/odewahn/Desktop/docbook2asciidoc/saxon9he.jar -s /Users/odewahn/Desktop/9781449307110/current/book.xml -o book.asciidoc /Users/odewahn/Desktop/docbook2asciidoc/d2a_docbook.xsl chunk-output=true