orenamema / MedievalAvatars

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This application is a Medieval NPC (Non-Playable Character) generator for tabletop and board games. It allows the user to create and store a large number of characters occupying different aspects of a medieval society, divided up by social classes and their individual careers. It is a helpful tool for world building with a medieval themed setting and useful in creating multiple characters and storing them for later use. The motivation behind this application is the fact that similar applications are poorly made and there is a growing market for the tabletop culture. We also thought it was an application that will highlight our creativity and originality.


To install this application you need to follow these steps:

Instant Use

Alternatively to have instant access to the application without installing it, simply visit the Medieval Avatars site. We have used Heroku to host our site.


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As a New User, first begin by creating a username and password. Both are needed to create and save any characters. Once made, login and make your way to the Create page (if not already there upon login). Here you will see a black bar along the top of the screen displaying various Social Classes of the middle ages such as Royal, Peasantry, etc. To read about each social class, there is a black round button on the bottom right of the screen. Simply hovering over it and selecting the matching Social Class will display some general info about each (some more detailed than others).

image image

When selecting different Social Classes, you'll notice that a carousel of images will also change, displaying different character types, each representing a different Career of that particular Social Class. For example: within the Royal class you'll find a King and Queen. Within the Peasantry Class you'll find Farmers and Hunters. The center image represents the current selected Career. To create this into a Character (aka Avatar), follow these simple steps:

On the View Own page, you (the user) may view all of the character's you've created. In the event that you've made MANY, they can be viewed based on Social Class. Similar to the Black bar on the Create page, this black bar will display different Careers for each social class but these will consist only of your personally made characters. To view characters made by others, visit the View All page which will display avatars created by other users. On this page, when viewing a character made by someone else, you have the option to copy it and obtain it for yourself. Other users can also copy characters you have made.

Within the description of each created Avatar, you'll notice it includes not just the information you added but also information for the chosen Career. These descriptions are unique to each of the current 35 available Careers, some featuring more info than others (see example of descriptions below).


Technology Used


const db = require("../models");

module.exports = app => {
    app.post("/api/create/:userId", function(req,res){
                UserId: req.params.userId,
                AvatarId: data.id
            }).then(function(response) {


    app.get("/api/classes/:name", function(req, res) {
                    socialClass: req.params.name

    // login route
    app.post("/api/login/", function(req,res){
            where: {
                userName: req.body.userName,
                password: req.body.password
        }).then(function(login) {

Above is the code shows the different routes that we've used to create avatars and see all avatars. When it comes to the login route, we query the database to find the username and password we received in the request.

Learning Points


Casey Moldavon

Oren Amema

Ken Bains