org-apex / github-repo-auto-protect

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Java, Spring boot, Azure Fucntions GitHub, Azure Maven, Ngrok, Azure CLI This is a sample application to showcase how to automatically enable branch protection when every new repository created under GitHub Organization

GitHub Repository Branch Auto Protection

This is a sample application to showcase how to automatically enable branch protection when every new repository created in a GitHub Organization.

This application is using GitHib organization webhooks to send an HTTP POST payload to a third-party service that uses the GitHub REST API to programmatically enable protection on the default branch of the newly created repository.

The third-party service is implemented using Java Spring Boot as a serverless Azure Cloud function.

:bulb: Tip: You can use ngrok or similar solutions to expose the service directly from an http server running in localhost.

:bulb: This project uses the GitHub API For Java library to manage GitHub resources.

:memo: Note: The third-party service can be implemented in any programming language and deployed to any platform as long it is able to receive events sent by the Organization webhook. GitHub provides the Octokit library in Ruby, .Net and Javascript. Third-party libraries are also available to support other languages.

How It Works

This block diagram shows how the Webhook configured at an organization level sends create repository events to an Azure Serverless fucntion. And Azure Serverless fucntion can enable the protection on default branch on the created repository.

This sequence diagrams depicts how the sequence steps needed to enable auto protection on the default branch when a new repository is created.

Getting Started

These instructions will guide you on building and deploying the Azure Cloud Function and configuring the GitHub organization webhook.


GitHub Personal Access Token

GitHub personal access token is needed to enable communication between the Azure cloud function and the GitHub API

Please follow the documentation to create a GitHub personal access token.

:warning: Save the personal access token in a safe place, it will be used later in this guide.

In this example scope is provided at workflow level Personal Access Token Scopes

See GitHub's documentation to learn more about scopes.


Install below software if it's not pre-installed on your local computer. Install the Maven Install the JDK Install the Azure CLI Install the Azure Functions Core Tools Install ngrok agent (Optional), To expose local server ports to the Internet.

Build the project: bash ./mvnw clean install -DskipTests=true


Azure Functions

Once the application is built succesfully, you can run it locally using the Azure Function Maven plug-in:

bash ./mvnw azure-functions:run

Spring boot azure fucntion webservice will start run succesfully on your local computer. In this example it's running on port 7071. You will see maven logs like:

Deploying to Azure Functions App

Deploy the application on Azure Functions with the Azure Function Maven plug-in: :memo: Note:, make sure Application running locallys has been stopped.

bash ./mvnw azure-functions:deploy

Azure Portal :: Servlerless Functions

Github webhook setup

Once the third party application has been deployed, we are ready to configure our GitHub organization webhooks to notify the application when a new repository has been created.

Local setup

(Optional) You can expose the local running service to internet:

:bulb: If application is not running locally, run it locally using the Azure Function Maven plug-in:

bash ./mvnw azure-functions:run

After ngrok successful start, you will service exposed to internet as:


Once the GitHub Organization webhook is configured to deliver events to the Azure Serverless function we can go ahead and test the use case.

GitHub Repository Branch Protections


Please feel free to raise issues or submit pull requests to improve this project.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


See the file for details

References / Acknowledgments