oria / gridx

Just another powerful Dojo grid
162 stars 78 forks source link

GridX Overview

A fast rendering, well modularized and plugin architecture based Grid.

Besides supporting a rich set of popular features, GridX is optimized and extremely capable of supporting huge dataset.

GridX is consisted of:

GridX is available under Dojo Toolkit CLA with the same [BSD/AFLv2 license] (http://dojotoolkit.org/license)

Archive Versions:


  1. CPM installation with the following command:

    cpm install gridx

  2. Bower install:

    bower install gridx

  3. Manual installation by putting GridX at the same level as Dojo, e.g:

    • dojo
    • dijit
    • dojox
    • gridx

GridX works best with Dojo 1.8.0 or higher.

Quick ways to know GridX

GridX Home Site (in progress)

Please also check out GridX Home Site for more details on how GridX can help you.

Current Maintainer

GridX Team

Please contact us if you have got any questions. We really appreciate any suggestions or fix patches to improve GridX.