orismology / PageColours

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Piwik PageColours Plugin


Replaces the rainbow of colourful folder icons in Piwik's "Visitors in Real-time" widget with colourful folder icons that match user-defined url patterns.

Considered in early beta - not stable, but it hasn't broken anything yet.

If you decide to use it, here's some things you need to know:

    "string to match": [ "match type", "colour" ],
    "second string": [ "match type", "colour" ]

So, to colour all blog pages green and all docs pages red...

    "/blog/": [ "*", "green.png" ],
    "/docs/": [ "*", "red.png" ]

The match types are explained on the plugin settings page.

This syntax is subject to change - yet another reason why you probably shouldn't use this.


Should I Use This? Probably not, or at least, not yet.

It's very experimental, very clobbered together, and probably full of bugs. It doesn't sanitise input, writes directly to the filesystem, and probably has a bunch of security holes.

Eventually, this should evolve to the point where it is stable and easy to use, but right now you use it at your own risk. It shouldn't break anything, but I can't guarantee that.


0.1.2 Minor language and style changes

0.1.1 Fixed bug: Page colours will no longer overwrite icons for goals, events or downloads. You will need to re-save plugin settings in order to re-generate the override stylesheet.

0.1.0 First Version


Please direct any feedback to @orismology on twitter, or create an issue in the orismology/PageColours repo. I can't promise much support, this was cobbled together in a weekend by someone who knew literally nothing about Piwik plugins (and, to be honest, still doesn't).