ormf / cl-link

GNU General Public License v2.0
0 stars 0 forks source link

Common Lisp Port to the Ableton Link Library (not yet working)

** Test

*** Steps to reproduce

- clone [[https://github.com/ormf/cl-websocket-server][cl-websocket-server]]

- clone this repository

- build the lib inside the cloned repo:


$ cd link-clcxx $ mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && cd ..


- install LIBCLCXX into /usr/local or adjust the correct load path
  for the lib in cl-link.lisp

- link cl-websocket-server, cl-link and the linkhut example into quicklisp:


$ ln -s ~/quicklisp/local-projects/ $ ln -s ~/quicklisp/local-projects/ $ ln -s /examples/linkhut ~/quicklisp/local-projects/


- in the repl:


  CL-USER> (ql:quickload "linkhut")


  Open the file =examples/linkhut/linkhut.html= in a webbrowser.

  Evaluate the expressions in =examples/linkhut/scratch.lisp=

  - setting the callbacks leads to a memory fault

  - evaluating =(enable-start-stop-sync *link* t)= results in a stack overflow

** License

GPL 2.0 or later

Copyright (c) 2023 Orm Finnendahl orm.finnendahl@selma.hfmdk-frankfurt.de