This repo contains methods for automating the download of multiple locations of Daymet data from the Single Pixel Extraction Tool at once. More documentation is available under Daymet Scripts to Automate Single Pixel Data Extraction.
In order to download several data points at once, we will create a file that specifies each coordinate we would like to download. This file can also specify Daymet variables and Daymet years (1980 - most recently published year) that you would like. Let's assume the file name is latlon.txt
but it can be your choosing.
Example 1: Simple pairs of coordinates:
45.3, -97.0
46.3, -97.0
47.3, -97.0
Example 2: Providing a name for each coordinate that will be downloaded:
file1.csv, 45.3, -97.0
file2.csv, 46.3, -97.0
file3.csv, 47.3, -97.0
Example 3: Specifying variables:
Variables: tmin, prcp, dayl
45.3, -97.0
46.3, -97.0
47.3, -97.0
Example 4: Specifying years:
Years: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
45.3, -97.0
46.3, -97.0
47.3, -97.0
Example 5: Specifying variables and years:
Variables: tmin, prcp, dayl
Years: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
45.3, -97.0
46.3, -97.0
47.3, -97.0
Example 6: A coordinate to be saved as a specified filename. The first two points will be saved as file1.csv
and file2.csv
, while the third will be saved as the name given by the Daymet server (tileID_lat_lon_time.csv
Variables: tmin, prcp, dayl
Years: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
file1.csv, 45.3, -97.0
file2.csv, 46.3, -97.0
47.3, -97.0
Variable Name | Description (units) |
dayl | Duration of the daylight period (seconds/day) |
prcp | Daily total precipitation (mm/day) |
srad | Incident shortwave radiation flux density(W/m2) |
swe | Snow water equivalent (kg/m2) |
tmax | Daily maximum 2-meter air temperature (°C) |
tmin | Daily minimum 2-meter air temperature (°C) |
vp | Water vapor pressure (Pa) |
1980 - the most recent published year