orocos-toolchain / typelib

Universal C++ type library with bindings to scripting languages.
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/*! \mainpage Typelib: a C++ type and value introspection library (Ruby bindings documentation is here)

These pages document only the C++ part of the library. The Ruby bindings documentation is available here

Typelib is a C++ library which allows for introspection on data types and data values. Its value model is based on the C type model. The library allows to load definition from various type description files (including plain C), build types programmatically, create and manipulate values from these types.

The following import/export plugins are available:

Typelib has been written by Sylvain Joyeux sylvain.joyeux@m4x.org

Copyright 2004-2008 LAAS/CNRS openrobots@laas.fr and DGA arnaud.paronian@dga.gouv.fr Copyright 2008-2009 DFKI sylvain.joyeux@dfki.de

This software is provided under the CeCILL B License, which gives comparable terms of use than the BSD license. See LICENSE.txt or LICENSE.fr.txt provided with the source code for the full license texts.

\section Installation

\subsection source Getting the source code Releases are available on SourceForge: <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/typelib/">http://sourceforge.net/projects/typelib/. You can access this project page from anywhere in the documentation by clicking on the SourceForge.net logo at the bottom of documentation pages.

The development repository is managed by git and is (for now) publicly available in GitHub:

  git clone git://github.com/doudou/typelib.git

(see this page for more information)

\subsection cpp Building and installing the C++ library The C++ library depends on the following:

When all these dependencies are installed, run

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    make doc # to build the documentation, only if doxygen is available

and as root,

    make install

Alternatively, you can add the \c -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path/to/the/installation/target option to cmake to install the files in a custom directory

\subsection ruby Building and installing Ruby bindings The installation of the Ruby bindings require the following:

At runtime, the bindings require the following: