[!IMPORTANT] On June 26 2024, Linux Foundation announced the merger of its financial services umbrella, the Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS), with OS-Climate, an open source community dedicated to building data technologies, modeling, and analytic tools that will drive global capital flows into climate change mitigation and resilience; OS-Climate projects are in the process of transitioning to the FINOS governance framework; read more on finos.org/press/finos-join-forces-os-open-source-climate-sustainability-esg
ClimateEconomics is the Python package to evaluate the effect of energy way of production on climate change and macro-economy.
In order to satisfy dependencies, following prerequisites need to be satisfied:
The following command can be used to install the package listed in requirements.txt $$pip install -r requirements.txt --trusted-host pypi.org --trusted-host files.pythonhosted.org$$
This package contains the following disciplines:
For more information, please look at the documentation associated.
Models are in core folder. Disciplines and associated documentations are in sos_wrapping folder. To create a documentation associated to a discipline, create a documentation folder in sos_wrapping/discipline_folder and name the documentation file as the discipline file, disc_file_name.markdown. Processes(couple several disciplines) and usecases(process with specific inputs) are in sos_processes folder. To run a usecase, run usecase.py file as Python run.
Associated tests are in tests folder. l0 tests are unitary tests. They are used for stand alone disciplines and models. l1 tests are used to test gradient computation of disciplines and usecases. l2 tests are used to test gradient computation of process. To run a test, run test.py file as Python unit-test. To run all test, use the command nose2 .
documentation folder gives details about the optimisation problem formulation.
At the moment, results given by Witness process and the different models are global results which are an average over the world. In order to have more accuracy, we want to add regionalisation aspect. The first step is to propose a regionalisation continent by continent.
The witness-core source code is distributed under the Apache License Version 2.0. A copy of it can be found in the LICENSE file.
The witness-core product depends on other software which have various licenses. The list of dependencies with their licenses is given in the CREDITS.rst file.