oscar-cluster / oscar

OSCAR main source repository.
GNU General Public License v2.0
14 stars 3 forks source link


This is the general README file for OSCAR vOSCARVERSION. See our wonderful web site:


The most up to date information on installing and using OSCAR is available on the following:


Instructions for installing this release can be found in doc/install.pdf and user instructions for utilizing the software installed on OSCAR clusters can be found in doc/user.pdf.

Current OSCAR distributions are obtained through our github repository or take a snapshot of the current repo via the following links. https://github.com/oscar-cluster/oscar/tarball/master https://github.com/oscar-cluster/oscar/zipball/master

The OSCAR distibution used to come in two OSCAR tarballs and a set of repository tarballs were like these: oscar-base-OSCARVERSION.tar.gz : the base OSCAR tarball stripped of almost every binary packages (rpms) oscar-srpms-OSCARVERSION.tar.gz : the SRPMS, you only need this if you want to rebuild rpms oscar-repo-common-rpms-OSCARVERSION.tar.gz : repository of noarch rpms used on all supported distributions oscar-repo-DISTRO-VER-ARCH-OSCARVERSION.tar.gz : repository of distro and architecture specific rpms.

For an OSCAR installation, please refer to the complete OSCAR installation guide: https://oscar-cluster.github.io/oscar/wiki/InstallGuideDoc

For those who need a quick installation https://oscar-cluster.github.io/oscar/wiki/quick_start_guide_for_rhel

For those who need to maintain or re-install the old versions of OSCAR: