oscar-system / book.oscar-system.org

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Website for the OSCAR book

Installing Jekyll

First install bundler. On Ubuntu, that means

apt install git bundler

Then, clone (a fork of) this repo and cd into it. Then use bundler to install jekyll (and other required gems) as defined in the Gemfile.

bundle install

How to contribute

Fork this repository on GitHub, and provide a Pull Request to it. To test your changes locally, run

jekyll serve

in the main directory.

How to use syntax highlighting in Markdown files

You can use Jekylls highlighter to get syntax highlighting. For Julia code, do the following

function foo(x)
  return x

For code samples involving the Julia REPL mode, use this:
julia> print(2)

Note however that the triple-backtick syntax does not work when nested inside
HTML elements. In that case, you can also use the following Jekyll syntax:

{% highlight julia %} function foo(x) return x end {% endhighlight %}

A full list of supported languages can be found [here](https://github.com/rouge-ruby/rouge/blob/master/docs/Languages.md).

## Autogeneration of the examples

The examples are automatically generated from the book examples in the Oscar
testsuite and the template files in the `examples_templates` folder by running
the script `examples_autogenerated/autogenerate.jl` with the right path. If you
need edit the examples, please edit the template in the `examples_templates`
folder and run the autogeneration script.