oscarbranson / latools_gui

GUI for LAtools
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LAtools GUI

I've set up a framework for an installable Python package with documentation.


Make sure you're using the gui branch of latools. I'm adding features to this to support GUI development in this project.

To install, clone the repo, check out the gui branch, and install it in development mode:

git clone https://github.com/oscarbranson/latools.git
git checkout gui
python setup.py develop

If you need to change anything in the gui branch you can either do it yourself and submit a pull request, or raise an issue in the latools repo and I'll get to it asap.

Python Package

All code should go inside the latools_gui subdirectory. A python package is any directory that contains an __init__.py, which is run when you import the package.


Installation is via setuptools, and all relevant info/options is in setup.py.

You can make the package accessible to Python using:

python setup.py develop

Using develop changes in the code automatically propagate through to the installed version (install would create a copy of the current state of the code in your Python site-packages, whereas develop just creates a symbolic link to the code location.)


We're using sphinx with the ReadTheDocs theme (you might need to install this via pip to build the docs).

General docs structure is:

    |-index.rst  # main page, which sphinx evaluates to build the docs
    |-conf.py  # sphinx configuration

You can create subdirectories and new .rst files with the within source directory, and populate them with documentation written in reStructuredText format.

Do build the docs html, run:

cd docs
make html

... or whatever windows equivalent works with the make.bat file ...

You can also compile it to many other formats.

Whenever you create a new file in the documentation, you have to enter it into the index.rst file, or it won't be built. For example:

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Contents:


Handily, sphinx warns you if there are .rst files in the source directory that aren't included in the table of contents.


One of the best features of sphinx is its ability to autogenerate documentation based on docstrings. This means you must have good docstring discipline!

  1. Whenever you create a function/class, create a docstring. No excuses.
  2. Write them in a consistent format that sphinx can understand, for example the numpy format):
def f(x, y)::
    Adds x to y.

    Can put a longer description here, if you want.

    x : float
        The value of x.
    y : float
        The value of y.

    Sum of x and y : float

    f(3.5, 8)
    > 11.5
    return x + y

For autodoc to work, you need to set it up - probably the best way to do this is create a separate .rst file in docs/source that calls autodoc, and then add that to the index.rst file.


To run the converter tests, from the latools_gui directory run the following command: python -m unittest tests.test_converterWindow