A scenery generator for the X-Plane flight simulator.
NOTE 15/02/2024 : In transition to version 1.40.
Version 1.40 is mostly a compatibility update for XP 12 water requirements. Some newer code related to 3D waterbed rendering is included, but one will have to wait for XP 12.1 to potentially revise it. The default setting is XP11 (i.e. overlay based ) water rendering + bathymetry for 3D water and physics plane interaction. The new Ortho4XP tiles also automatically bring the seasons, sounds, etc raster from the corresponding Global Scenery tiles.
The code as been updated to work with recent versions of the python modules it depends on (you may have experienced some deprecation warnings or even some code break due to Numpy, Pyproj and Shapely, these should be fixed with this update). The only new python module used is skfmm (Fast Marching Method) and is only needed when using the distance_masks_too option, the program will run even without it.