osgi / osgi.enroute.blog

A tutorial to demonstrate how to build HTML-5 Applications with OSGi
Apache License 2.0
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This is tutorial is deprecated for now. OSGi enRoute can be found on http://enroute.osgi.org where you find other tutorials. A number of example applications can be found at https://github.com/osgi/osgi.enroute.examples.

This example will be updated one day since it is quite complete

OSGi enRoute Blog

This workspace contains a simplistic Blog application. The purpose of this workspace is to demonstrate many OSGi techniques. This workspaces contains a number of branches that show the different stages of evolution in designing such an application.



The 00-initial branch contains a pristine workspace. For convenience it will contain a fully loaded repository (which is downloaded on demand, jars are not included). So there is only a cnf project.


The purpose of the setup branch is to show how you can launch a framework and configure it. This branch creates a project osgi.enroute.blog.appl. This project is populated with some bundles defined in the cnf/lib/ repository. These bundles provide a web application environment with some debugging bundles installed, like the shell, webconsole, and of course XRay. Since this environment needs parameters, the provides configuration information inconfiguration/configuration.json`, which is picked up by the installed aQute.configurer bundle.


The previous branch did not have any content. In this branch, a static directory is added tot the bundle. This directory is mapped to the web server's name space (and merged with other bundles that provide content in the static directory). The hello branch shows you therefore that you can display static text and resources.


Bootstrap is the immensely popular CSS library from Twitter. This branch adds bootstrap as a bundle and uses it from the index.html. The index.html is also updated to be state of the art HTML-5. A nav bar is added and a footer. The footer uses bnd's pre-processing engine to automatically show the build year and the bundle's version.


Angular JS is a library from Google that is a perfect adjunct to OSGi. It has a model that is very like and compatible with the OSGi service model.In this branch we create a Javascript/HTML only blog application written with Angular.


REST is a standard that is well supported by Angular and is easy to support in OSGi. In this branch we extend the application of the previous branch to get a Blog Post from the server. We use the aQute.rest library, which needs to be configured. We ad a BlogApp service that receives the REST requests.

We create two remote functions on the server. One to get some test data, another to create an exception to test error handling.


So far, the Javascript and HTML was local and simple, all took place on a single page and state was maintained internally. Real applications need to keep the core state of the application in the URL (so the application remains largely stateless and you can share URLs). Angular has excellent, although hidden, support for this with their $route service. The $route service uses a table driven approach to load html fragments and assign controllers based on the url.

In this, rather large, exercise the application is turned into a small Blog Application. We will fake a backend in Javascript. This application has the following pages:

Additionally, we add a button to create some test data on the server.


In this exercise we create a backend REST server that provides the CRUD operations and connect this to the blog.js program from the previous exercise. The backend keeps the blog posts in memory, in a HashMap.


In the previous branch the the Blog App was a facade that also implemented the blog manager. This is in general not good design since it is not cohesive. The primary responsibility of the facade is to handle the incoming request, perform security, parameterize the current user, and then call services for the 'vertical' work.

Therefore, in this branch we develop a Blog Manager API and move the facade's in memory implementation of the API to an external bundle. We then modify the facade to use the service.


If you write an implementation, you need to test. The osgi.enroute.blog.test bundle is an OSGi test case. It can run from Eclipse and from the command line (either ant or bnd).

The test bundle has a bnd.bnd file that is setup to run the tests against the memory provider. So you can always do Debug As/OSGi JUnit Launcher on this project.


This branch implements the osgi.enroute.blog.api with JPA. It shows how the OSGi Managed Persistence model can be used to make a very small and concise implementation. The branch also integrates the test suite in this project so that the project can be ran like an OSGi JUnit test.

Additionally, the branch adds a enblog.bndrun file to the osgi.enroute.blog.appl project. This file is setup to run hibernate/eclipse with H2 for the blog application.

How to use

If you checkout the final branch '10-jpa' then you have the whole application working. You can then do the following actions

Main App

The main application can be run in the osgi.enroute.blog.appl project, look at the blog.bndrun file. In Eclipse you can run this with Run As/Bnd Launcher. In bnd you can do:

$ bnd enblog.bndrun

Debug the Main App

You can run the bnd.bnd in the osgi.enroute.blog.appl project. This will run the application with the memory based Blog Manager.

Test the Memory/JPA implementation

You can run the test the JPA implementation by selecting the project (osgi.enroute.blog.jpa.provider) and then do Debug As/Bnd OSGi Test Launcher (Junit). This will run the tests for that project. You can of course set breakpoints. The test project itself can also be ran, it tests by default against the memory provider.

Build a Packaged App

You can package the app by going to the osgi.enroute.blog.appl project and run

 $ bnd package blog.bndrun

If you have jpm installed, then you can do:

 $ sudo jpm install enblog.jar
 $ enblog
 .... logging info


 $ java -jar enblog.jar
 ... lots of logging