oshadabasnayake / Tourism-Site

Hacktoberfest 2020. Happy Open Source❤️😍:octocat:😍❤️. Tourism Site is personal university project which is opened for community driven with love Github and Hacktoberfest .
MIT License
9 stars 33 forks source link
hacktoberfest hacktoberfest-accepted hacktoberfest2020

OpenHackDay (Hacktoberfest 2020)

Happy Open Source❤️😍:octocat:😍❤️ .Tourism Site is personal university project which is opened for community driven with love Github and Hacktoberfest



👉Hacktoberfest 2020 open source activity. Happy Open Source❤️😍:octocat:😍❤️

1. goto this site very first and do (https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/profile)

2. :octocat:Support open source

:octocat:Follow this EASY guide:baby::heart_eyes:


  1. Fork this repository.:point_right: Tourism Site

  2. Clone forked repository.

    enter this code :point_right:git clone "repository link"

  3. Add name in Contributors.md file.Do same in here:point_right:hacktoberfest-Activity-2019

  4. Edit Profiles Folder.

  5. Enter Terminal Commands.

    git add -A
    git commit -m "your name"
    git push origin master
  6. Create your pull request. when you do the pull request label it as hacktoberfest

  7. :octocat:Congratulations!!! You have successfully created your pull request.

  8. Check your progress here (https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/profile) :bar_chart: .

  9. Wait for your shirt:tshirt:.

    Extra Help & Tips

    1. Profiles
      • Profiles is the folder which is used to add contributors profile info.
    2. Hello World & Variables

      • Hello World and Variables are the activity folders.
      Hello World Variables
      Add your hello world code into this folder Add your declared variable code to this folder


      Hurry Up