osigaud / rl_labs_notebooks

Labs for understanding and coding Standard Reinforcement Learning concepts
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This repository contains labs for understanding and coding basic reinforcement learning concepts based on jupyter notebooks.

The labs are intended for being available to anyone through internet, so the assignments should be self-explanatory.

Most of the work was done by Yasmine Hamdani (https://github.com/Yasmine-H ) during a one month master internship

Getting Started


Get this repository using

git clone https://github.com/osigaud/rl_labs_notebooks.git



pip install -r requirements.txt

sudo updatedb

path1=$(locate new_ipynb_utils/utils.py)

path2=$(locate ipynb/utils.py)

cat "$path1" > "$path2"

Note : In order to enable the imports between notebooks, we used the ipynb library.

The syntax to import a function, say sarsa() from the reinforcement_learning notebook, is as follows:

from ipynb.fs.defs.reinforcement_learning import sarsa


There are 10 *.ipynb files to open on Jupyter Notebook.

Running the labs


To contact me: Olivier.Sigaud@upmc.fr